3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Where gearing up to rollout Sequoia later this year, does anyone have any config profiles there using to block these from appearing. Is it something that can be blocked? it doesnt seem possible through Jamf own config profile settings.
I assume there is some custom xml that could be used possibly.
3 weeks ago
check here https://derflounder.wordpress.com/
3 weeks ago
You'll need to enroll your computers into Jamf Pro using a Automated Device Enrollment.
You'll use a PreStage Enrollment to control it and skip "Intelligence" during the Setup Assistant.
3 weeks ago
As @talkingmoose said, you do this in your prestage. However, by and large Apples concept of managing AI is pretty poor. Even when you manage AI, system settings lets users toggle some buttons even though they dont do anything and does not tell them the domain is being managed.
I cannot stress enough with AI, submit feedback and lots of it.
SiriPreferenceExtension is the binary for the AI preference pane if you want to take things a step further and block that with App Restrictions :).
3 weeks ago
you can use this mobileconfig.
a week ago
To add to @Shyamsundar comment:
this xml - SkipAppleIntelligenceSetup:
a week ago
using this but can still see the welcome screen on 15.3, as something changed perhaps?
a week ago
using this but can still see the welcome screen on 15.3, as something changed perhaps?