Posted on 05-02-2013 03:21 AM
OS: 10.8.2 and 10.8.3
JSS: 8.62
DNS: 2003 Active Directory
I am having an issue that is only apparent with managed Mountain Lion clients. When you image a Mac through Casper Imaging using a managed build, the Mac will automatically grab whatever name a reverse lookup can find in DNS and overwrite the name of the Mac and eventually update that name in the JSS, more often than not this name is not correct at all due to stale records in DNS.
When you image a Mac with a completely custom build in Casper Imaging (not managed via the JSS) then it keeps the name set in the application and does not lose it to the name in DNS.
I assumed it was a built-in issue with ML but since testing the non-managed build and it working, I have turned to you guys for help... I do not "reset" computer names in any policy in the JSS and cannot see where this must be coming from.
I do use a hostname script to set the name for HostName, LocalHostname and ComputerName, the issue still occurs with or without this script in place.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 06-23-2013 11:00 AM
Issue was being caused by the version of the JSS and a known bug.
Posted on 05-02-2013 05:38 AM
in your script do you point it to a preferred DNS server. I started in the Snow Leopard days due to the same issue
sudo dsconfigad -show | grep -i preferred
Posted on 05-02-2013 08:17 AM
scutil --set HostName $(scutil --get LocalHostName)
I use this in my First Boot script to lock the name down. It's worked well in conjunction with a script I use to reset the name if the end user changes it.
Posted on 05-02-2013 08:44 AM
I don't set a preferred AD server, I allow the Macs to figure out via DNS which one to use.
I use the same commands to set mine as well, still having the issue.
Thanks all the same.
Posted on 05-02-2013 08:47 AM
You may have to limit the DynamicDNS to a few interfaces. I use en0 and en1. Prior to that our machine were registering all sorts of names in DNS.
dsconfigad -restrictDDNS "en1,en0"
run as a policy once a day.
Posted on 05-02-2013 02:09 PM
I doubt that HostName matters to JSS, only ComputerName should matter (LocalHostName should feed off ComputerName automagically).
The only other name that matters is the Computer ID which is the name your computer had when it was bound to AD. If you change ComputerName without changing Computer ID (unbind/rebind), the CMDB folks would probably yell at you about it. :)
Posted on 06-23-2013 11:00 AM
Issue was being caused by the version of the JSS and a known bug.
Posted on 06-24-2013 06:21 AM
What version of JSS fixes this bug? 8.71 presumably?
Posted on 06-24-2013 11:04 AM
I've been using a script posted by Oxford Univ to resolve this issue. JAMF has kept reporting the issue as resolved with each update but it keeps cropping up. We're still using 8.64 so we'll test again after updating to 8.71. But here is the script in case you find the issue still exists in 8.71. Set to 'After Reboot' in the system configuration.
## Script Begins Below ##
MacModel=$( ioreg -l | awk '/product-name/ { split($0, line, """); printf("%s
", line[4]); }' )
PrefModel=$( defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist Model )
# Fix the incorrect model name in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
# Also make sure the .plist is in the correct format
if [[ "$PrefModel" != "$MacModel" ]];
/bin/echo $AdminPW | sudo -S defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist Model $MacModel
/bin/echo $AdminPW | sudo -S plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
# Fix the incorrect network service names
# Script lovingly stolen from
# Detect new network hardware
networksetup -detectnewhardware
# List all network services and read one by one
networksetup -listallnetworkservices | tail -n +2 | while read service
# Remove asterisk from string for renaming disabled services
# Use filter to select next line which has the hardware port defined
# Display network services
networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder | while read serviceorder
if [[ ${filter} == true ]]
# Grab hardware port
hardwareport=echo ${serviceorder} | sed -e 's/(Hardware Port: //;s/, Device:.*//'
# Check if service name if different
if [[ ${service} != ${hardwareport} ]]
# Rename the network service
networksetup -renamenetworkservice "${service}" "${hardwareport}"
echo -e "Renamed network service "${service}" to "${hardwareport}""
if [[ ${serviceorder} == *${service} ]]
# Got the line with the service. Set the filter to true to grab the next line which contains the hardware port
# JAMF imaging should have set the machine name correctly. Let's make sure hostname is also set properly
setName=networksetup -getcomputername
scutil --set ComputerName ${setName}
scutil --set LocalHostName ${setName}
scutil --set HostName ${setName}
Posted on 07-22-2013 07:31 AM
How is this marked as solved? I upgraded to 8.71 and I am still having the exact same issue
Posted on 07-22-2013 07:39 AM
No you're right, it appeared like this issue was resolved for us at least for a couple of weeks and then we started seeing it again. NOT RESOLVED.