Posted on 07-28-2011 04:33 PM
I am new to Casper and I am trying to setup a Managed Preference for "Add Application to Dock". Once I type the settings (like below) and assign to Profiles, it gets deployed to users preferences to as a gibberish.
Again, before deployment the settings the file looked as a normal XML file. After applying the settings the file is almost not readable.
First I thought that it happened because I used PC to type the settings but then I retyped everything on Mac and it didn't make the difference.
<string>/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft</string>
Posted on 07-28-2011 06:30 PM
Try running this command:
plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
Posted on 07-28-2011 07:07 PM
It's unnecessary. The binary plist format works just as well, except it's harder for you to read. All that command did was convert it back to XML.