Massive Read/Write on Database


Hey All,

I have been without the JSS in any form for the past 5 days now and am beginning to go crazy. The original problem was that I the JSS would just get bogged down after running for more than 5 minutes. What I mean by bogged down is that the Data read/write would spike to crazy high levels. As of writing this it is at 175 MB/sec data written/sec. I am not doing anything intensive on the JSS, and we only have 250 clients.

I have been working very closely with JAMF the past few days, but my confidence that it will get fixed is slowly going downhill. We have completely restored the JSS from scratch (fresh MySQL, fresh Tomcat, fresh OS X install). The only aspect migrated over is a backup of the database itself.

Any thoughts on this? Any MySQL settings or such that could have been tweaked to cause these horrible results? It is basically unusable at this point and I cannot think of anything to try with my limited knowledge of MySQL.