Mavericks and Symantec Endpoint Protection

Contributor II

As far as I can tell, 12.1 RU4 will be the first version to officially support Mavericks. We have to use SEP here, and we have 12.1 RU2.

Does 'officially' mean something different than it will or will not work?

I am just wondering how others will deal with this situation.



New Contributor

we are using SEP 12.1.1000 (0157) R01 which was deployed under 10.8.5 build and still seems to work on a mac thats been upgraded to 10.9

however we are seeing casper remote doesn't want to deploy anything but printers to a 10.9 build but then we havent upgraded JSS or built new quick add package

early testing

Contributor II

It will not work.
We have tested it in our environment and also Symantec confirmed that it's not working with Mavericks.
And yes net working means in this case not launching e.g.

Hope this helps.

Contributor II

@ NIjamf: You hit on what I am wondering about. In saying 'it still seems to work', how do we know it is actually fully functional, rather than appearing to be? I upgraded a machine with the same version of SEP as you have to Mavericks and it appears to work, but then I am concerned when it says it is not supported.

@ maik.sanftenberg
Is that doing a clean install, or upgrade over existing. I guess it does not matter if Symantec says it will not work. Thank you for the info.

New Contributor

@NIjamf Seems like were also on the same version and it is functional. I just noticed Apple does remove the Java runtime environment once you upgrade to 10.9. I found this out because SEP wouldn't run its auto update feature and then ran the java -version command and it instantly prompted to install the update.

Other then that, SEP seems to be working ok, not so sure how a new install would go but in place upgrades seem to be working. Also, I see JSS was just updated to 9.2 if anyone didn't look yet.

Legendary Contributor III

If SEP is like just about any other AV software, its no surprise it needs to be updated. We're also waiting on McAfee to update their wares for Mavericks compatibility. Apparently none of these vendors can be bothered to purchase an Apple developer account to test their software against ahead of time. Its not as if Apple just surprise announced a new version of OS X on everyone yesterday.
To be fair though, AV products work at a pretty low level generally so I guess this isn't quite as easy as say, updating a calendar app. Still, its a little annoying these folks are always the laggards that hold us back.

Valued Contributor II

Symantec will have a new version soon, it will install on new 10.9 i have been beta testing. Upgraded systems will continue to run, download updates etc. And we sure would not want to hold people back from upgrading and getting finder tabs. :)

Valued Contributor II

you can download the eicar test virus to test that its working.

Contributor II

I run SEP 12.1.2015, and I use the native installer to install SEP 12.1.2015 via Casper (well slightly modified, I copy the package over and then call a script to run it otherwise). To get the native installer to work in Mavericks you do have to modify the installer and take out the Javascript that's used to check for OS version, but otherwise it does install, it talks to my SEP server, and it seems to run the same as 10.8 so far.

Is it supported? No, Symantec will tell you up and down don't do it. Does it work? It depends on your description of "works"

Valued Contributor III

We are running 12.1.4 Beta (12.1.3511.3709) and I have Casper pushing it to any 10.9 system without it. It installs smoothly on top of our 12.1.2 version with an OS dialog popup indicating the kernel extension is not recognized but will run anyway (annoying, since it may frighten users).

One nice thing is that it does not need a JRE to install and run, so we are not installing Java at all anymore since our VPN no longer requires it either.

Contributor II

Hi alexjdale..

Which version of Casper are you running ?

Contributor II

Hi alexjdale..

Which version of Casper are you running ?

New Contributor III

Hi Everyone,

I was previously on 12.1.2 and noticed that if you upgrade your OS X from 10.8 to 10.9 SEP will still work. The only caveat is that it will only work if you upgrade a previous OS. If you try to install 10.9 with a fresh copy of SEP then it will not work. SEP 12.1.4 does however work (we just upgraded about 20 minutes ago).

Contributor II

My SEP administrator installed 12.1.4 on our server yesterday and delivered the 12.1.4 client installer to me today for deployment. The installer is a .app file, not a .pkg.

How are you guys pushing out the SEP agent? As picky as SEP is about the install, I do not feel comfortable using Composer to repackage it.

Valued Contributor II

launch the app
then look in the toolbar menu there is an option to create a remote deployment package

Contributor II

Thank you!

Contributor III
Contributor III

Has anyone figured out a way of disabling Network Threat Protection and set the LiveUpdate schedule outside of the GUI? It looks like when you modify any of the settings they are changed in /Library/Application Support/Symantec/Settings/1. In the past the you could use the symsched tool to change the schedule, but it looks like that is no longer being used and the Network Threat Protection was not included in earlier versions of SEP.
