Posted on 01-22-2010 07:02 AM
"Criss Myers" <CMyers at> wrote: I prefer workgroup manager to Casper's mcx
For environments that have a resilient/redundant directory service in place (Active Directory, Open Directory, etc.), I wholly agree that MCX should leverage those systems.
For environments that allow AD schema extension (free), WGM works like a charm. For environments that don't allow AD schema extension (whether because their AD folks are afraid of schema extensions - spooked by AD 2000 <g>), there are several AD plugins that allow you to store MCX in the SYSVOL folder in AD (Likewise/Centrify/Quest/ADMitMac), and three out of the four of them support use of WGM. For environments with deep pockets and enough resources (not many companies), running OD in a Magic/Golden Triangle setup, or going the augmented records route (Cylinder of Destiny).
I haven't had the chance to play with the MMC Plug-Ins provided by Centrify/Likewise/Quest, I hear they're not as complete as WGM for managing MCX.
The Achilles heel in JSS is the fact that it's a single point of failure, so relying on it for MCX is a risky least for now. :)
I prefer growl to Casper messaging
Yes, at least until JAMF integrate Growlnotify into their suite...that would be awesome! :)
I changed the subject so I don't hijack the original thread.