Posted on
07:06 PM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
I’ve run into this odd issue with a new laptop that I am trying to enroll into our JSS.
It will not install any profiles at enrollment. I get this error:
Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/mdm.mobileconfig' and user:'root' returned 500 (The operation couldn’t be completed. (MDMResponseStatus error 500.))
Problem installing MDM profile.
Problem detecting MDM profile after installation.
I renewed our SSL cert last week and I am able to install profiles on other Macs except for this one.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Posted on 02-27-2017 04:06 PM
I resolved this issue by unassigning the device from our DEP portal and then re-assigning it back.
Posted on 02-28-2017 11:32 AM
I just got off a call with JAMF Support.
We got the UDID of the computer and ran a search under Mobile Devices. Delete that entry under Mobile Devices and run the following command.
sudo jamf mdm
Posted on 08-16-2017 08:18 AM
Thank you very much for posting this solution! Had the exact same issue with 6 MacBooks in our system, somehow decided they were going to live in Mobile Devices instead of Computers...
Posted on 09-11-2017 01:06 PM
Some may wonder how this could happen. We had created some manual AppleTV ver3 enrollment profiles. One of our school level techs had double clicked and tried to install it on a Mac mini. After re-imaging it was not pulling down MDM profiles, etc.
Before and after:
adminuser$ sudo jamf mdm -verbose
Getting management framework from the JSS...
Enabling MDM...
verbose: Attempting to install the mdm profile at the computer level.
Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/mdm.mobileconfig' and user:'root' returned 500 (The operation couldn’t be completed. (MDMResponseStatus error 500.))
Problem installing MDM profile.
Problem detecting MDM profile after installation.
After searching on Jamf for the Mac Mini's UDID (Located in Apple/About This Mac/System Report/Hardware) under mobile and removing it:
redacted serial:~ adminuser$ sudo jamf mdm -verbose
Getting management framework from the JSS...
Enabling MDM...
verbose: Attempting to install the mdm profile at the computer level.
The computer was successfully enrolled in MDM with the JSS.
redacted serial:~ adminuser$
Thanks! --Mike
Posted on 01-16-2018 07:27 AM
Ran into this same issue today. Not entirely sure yet how we have about 15 computers enrolled into our mobile category. Had an employee running into an issue where Profilelist and Certificate list were constantly running and prompting with an install MDM profile notification on their mac.
ran a sudo jamf removeMdmProfile
followed by a sudo jamf mdm
and ran into MDMResponseStatus Error 500.
Was able to look the employees serial number and found it under our mobile and computer lists. Removed it from the mobile devices list and was able to complete a sudo jamf mdm
with no errors.
Posted on 03-05-2019 12:28 PM
Thank you,
This problem has been driving me crazy with one MacBook not enrolling. Sure enough it was in the mobile devices.
Posted on 04-16-2019 07:12 AM
So, I had this problem on my machine which I enrolled right after I upgraded our server from 10.7.1 to 10.10 to 10.11.1 over the weekend. And all of our devices were deselected from the PreStage Enrollments they were enrolled in. Slightly annoying, but we only have a handful of PreStage Enrollment configurations. All the modification dates in the configurations were changed to the date/time I edited the configuration. So... wha? (facepalm).
Re-selecting my machine and then allowing the Profile in System Preferences worked and re-enrolled my machine.
Posted on 06-13-2019 06:11 AM
I unfortunately have this problem but couldnt find the UUID or serial listed in the Mobile devices.
jamf Removeframework and deleting the object from the JSS and re-enrolling also didnt fix it.
THinking about it, the only thing I didnt do was delete the relevant mdm profile files/folders (cant remember the location)
Anyone else still struggling?
Posted on 07-08-2019 10:54 PM
Yep still having the issue, have tried all the above. Raising a support case with Jamf - will report back if can find a resolution.
Posted on 09-18-2023 08:08 AM
Did you hear back from Jamf support? I am also having this issue but the devices aren't within Mobile devices. Using apple configurator to manually add devices to ABM then set Jamf as MDM. We then receive the MDMResponseStatus error 500 when using the automated enrolment.
Posted on 07-17-2019 10:19 AM
thanks to @MikeT — was getting this error from a Macmini, searched the UDID in mobile devices and, to my suprise, found the Mac. As soon as I deleted that record, I was able to run sudo jamf manage and everything started working correctly 👍
Posted on 03-19-2021 03:12 AM
The perfect solution is without doing the action
sudo jamf mdm -userLevelMdm
sudo Jamf manage
MDM Capability: Yes will be changed