Microsoft One Drive Patch Management

Contributor III

Hi All, anyone have an idea where the latest version of Microsoft One Drive can be downloaded?

According to JSS Patch Management the latest version is 19.062.0331
The latest available via the App Store is 19.043.0304
The latest available from Microsoft's site is 19.033.0218

This seems a crazy distribution method, why have different versions as the latest? Where can the ultimate latest version 19.062.0331 be found?


New Contributor III

Hello dmw3,

Please refer to this webpage for the latest releases of office applications: MacAdmins.Software

You can also locate the latest version of OneDrive on that webpage. I hope this helps,


Contributor III

@jg3741 I am aware and an avid user of the MacAdmins Software site, the question was about the latest version of Microsoft One Drive,

The version listed on MacAdmins is not the latest version shown in Patch Management.

Honored Contributor

In my personal opinion, if you are going to manage MS Office, just use the configuration profile and force updates. It is very easy and all you have to do is install MS Office once, and make sure the device has the profile

Contributor III

Hi all, this is where latest versions can be found
OneDrive release notes

Contributor III

@carlo.anselmi Thanks heaps, what I have been looking for.