Posted on 05-09-2015 10:14 AM
Hello Community,
I am new to Casper and this community. Our primary engineer accepted a position with another company and I have taken his position. I am learning all things Casper and diving deeper into Mac Administration.
We are currently working on a the following project:
Project: Migrating our current Mac Server infrastructure to a Windows Servers Infrastructure.
Why, you may ask:
Answer: Open Directory is not meeting our scalability like Active Directory.
Currently, I have been working with JAMF on migrating the JSS from our Mac Server to our new Windows Server. Al at JAMF has been AWESOME!
A migration of the JSS would have been simple but we are also changing the name of our domain. Which means the following:
So, far we have been able to create the following:
1. Create a quick add package and policy on the old JSS instance to enroll devices in the new Windows JSS
2. Bind computers to the new domain
We are still working on the other steps.
- Does anyone have a script on unbinding the devices from the Old Domain?
---- Note: We have tried the script from: -
--------- The script is not working, we think the script is not working because file locations have changed over the course of Mac OS's.
- Has anyone performed this type of migration?
--- If so, some items to think about.
Any thoughts or suggestions or welcome.
Please remember I am a noob.
Thank you in advance.
Posted on 05-09-2015 10:45 AM
@lee.smith Welcome! to the community! to answer your question on migration from OLD to NEW domain heres a script from @rtrouton just fill in the values for your environment and should be good.
osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
LDAPdomain="new_ldap_server_here" # Fully qualified DNS of new LDAP server
oldLDAPdomain="old_ldap_server_here" # Fully qualified DNS of old LDAP server
oldADdomain="" # Fully qualified DNS name of the old Active Directory Domain
oldADdomainname="OLDDOMAIN" # Name of the old AD Domain as specified in the search paths
newADdomain="" # Fully qualified DNS name of the new Active Directory Domain
newADdomainname="NEWDOMAIN" # Name of the new AD Domain as specified in the search paths
if dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | grep . > /dev/null; then
check4OD=$(dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 | awk 'NR<2{print $NF}')
echo "Found LDAP: "$check4OD
echo "No LDAP binding found"
if [[ "${check4OD}" == "${oldLDAPdomain}" ]]; then
/bin/echo "This machine is joined to ${oldLDAPdomain}"
/bin/echo "Removing from ${oldLDAPdomain}"
dsconfigldap -r "${oldLDAPdomain}"
/usr/bin/dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${oldLDAPdomain}"
/usr/bin/dscl localhost -delete Contact CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${oldLDAPdomain}"
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then
if [[ dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}'
== "$oldADdomain" ]]; then
check4oldAD=$(dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}')
echo "Found AD: "$check4oldAD
echo "No AD binding found"
if [[ $check4oldAD == "${oldADdomain}" ]]; then dsconfigad -f -r -u nousernamehere -p nopasswordhere fi
if [[ dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}'
== "$newADdomain" ]]; then
check4newAD=$(dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}')
echo "Found AD: "$check4newAD
echo "No AD binding found"
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
if [[ dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}'
== "$oldADdomain" ]]; then
check4oldAD=$(dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}')
echo "Found AD: "$check4oldAD
echo "No AD binding found"
if [[ $check4oldAD == "${oldADdomain}" ]]; then dsconfigad -force -remove -u nousernamehere -p nopasswordhere fi
if [[ dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}'
== "$newADdomain" ]]; then
check4newAD=$(dsconfigad -show | awk '/Active Directory Domain/{print $NF}')
echo "Found AD: "$check4newAD
echo "No AD binding found"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Binding to LDAP Domain "$LDAPdomain
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then if [[ ! -d '/Library/Preferences/DirectoryService' ]]; then echo "mkdir /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService" fi
if [[ -f /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig.plist ]]; then
echo "rm /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig.plist"
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then
/bin/cat > /tmp/$LDAPdomain.plist << 'NEW_LDAP_BIND'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>LDAP PlugIn Version</key>
<string>DSLDAPv3PlugIn Version 1.5</string>
<key>LDAP Server Configs</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Delay Rebind Try in seconds</key>
<key>Denied SASL Methods</key>
<key>Enable Use</key>
<key>Idle Timeout in minutes</key>
<key>LDAP Referrals</key>
<key>Local Security Level</key>
<key>No ClearText Authentications</key>
<key>OpenClose Timeout in seconds</key>
<key>Port Number</key>
<key>Record Type Map</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
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<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Attribute Type Map</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Native Map</key>
<key>Group Object Classes</key>
<key>Object Classes</key>
<key>Search Base</key>
<key>Standard Name</key>
<key>Search Timeout in seconds</key>
<key>Server Mappings</key>
<key>Supported Security Level</key>
<key>Man In The Middle</key>
<key>No ClearText Authentications</key>
<key>Packet Encryption</key>
<key>Packet Signing</key>
<key>Template Name</key>
<string>RFC 2307 (Unix)</string>
<key>Template Search Base Suffix</key>
<key>Template Version</key>
<key>UI Name</key>
<key>Use DNS replicas</key>
<key>Service Principals to Create</key>
if [[ -f /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig.plist ]]; then rm /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig.plist mv /tmp/$LDAPdomain.plist /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig.plist fi
echo "Killing DirectoryService" killall DirectoryService
echo "Giving Directory Services some time to reload..." sleep 10
echo "Killing DirectoryService" killall DirectoryService
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then if [[ ! -d /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3 ]]; then mkdir /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3 fi
if [[ -f /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/$LDAPdomain.plist ]]; then
mv /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/$LDAPdomain.plist /tmp/config_$LDAPdomain.plist
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
/bin/cat > /tmp/$LDAPdomain.plist << 'NEW_LDAP_BIND'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>module options</key>
<key>Server Mappings</key>
<key>Denied SASL Methods</key>
<key>LDAP Referrals</key>
<key>Template Search Base Suffix</key>
<key>Use DNS replicas</key>
<key>node name</key>
<key>connection idle disconnect</key>
<key>connection setup timeout</key>
<key>no cleartext authentication</key>
<key>packet encryption</key>
<key>packet signing</key>
<key>query timeout</key>
if [[ ! -f /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/$LDAPdomain.plist ]]; then mv /tmp/$LDAPdomain.plist /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/$LDAPdomain.plist fi
sleep 5
echo "Killing opendirectoryd" killall opendirectoryd
echo "Finished OD Binding."
sleep 5
if [[ -n "$check4oldAD" ]]; then if [[ $check4oldAD == "${oldADdomain}" ]]; then
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then echo "Removing previous bindings" dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${oldADdomainname}"/All Domains dscl localhost -delete Contact CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${oldADdomainname}"/All Domains echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}" echo "Killing opendirectoryd" killall opendirectoryd fi
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then echo "Removing remaining AD entries" dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath '/Active Directory/All Domains' dscl localhost -delete Contact CSPSearchPath '/Active Directory/All Domains' echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}" echo "Killing DirectoryService" killall DirectoryService fi
echo -n "Now bound to OD Domain: " dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 echo -n "With Search Path entries: " dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP fi fi
if [[ -n "$check4newAD" ]]; then if [[ $check4newAD == "${newADdomain}" ]]; then
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then echo "Removing previous bindings" dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${newADdomainname}"/All Domains echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}"
# Even if using All Domains, you need to add '/Active Directory/DOMAIN' # to the authentication search path
dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${newADdomainname}" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${newADdomainname}"/All Domains
# If you're planning to use All Domains, remove '/Active Directory/DOMAIN' # from the search path
dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath /Active Directory/"${newADdomainname}" echo "Killing opendirectoryd" killall opendirectoryd fi
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then echo "Removing AD binding" dscl localhost -delete Search CSPSearchPath '/Active Directory/All Domains' echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath '/Active Directory/All Domains' echo "Killing DirectoryService" killall DirectoryService fi
echo -n "Now bound to OD Domain: " dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3 echo -n "With Search Path entries: " dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
echo -n "Now bound to AD Domain: "
dscl localhost -list "/Active Directory"
echo -n "With Search Path entries: "
dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /Active
if [[ $check4oldAD == "" ]] && [[ $check4newAD == "" ]]; then if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}" echo "Killing opendirectoryd" killall opendirectoryd fi
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then echo "Adding new LDAP binding" dscl localhost -merge Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/"${LDAPdomain}" echo "Killing DirectoryService" killall DirectoryService fi
echo -n "Now bound to OD Domain: "
dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3
echo -n "With Search Path entries: "
dscl /Search -read / CSPSearchPath | grep /LDAP
exit 0 ## Success"
2: Plenty of us on the nation performed some type of migration from OD to AD or AD to New AD. I'm sure theres others out here willing to chime in its weekend so most folks are really out drinking beer or enjoying themselves away from the madness.
3: Some Questions : Why would you migrate your current JSS away from the Mac OS server to Windows? Didn't mention what OS you were on. Mixed Environment? Let me know anything else i can answer
No need we all started off as a noob!!
Posted on 05-09-2015 11:07 AM
Thank you @MAD0oM !
I appreciate you chiming in. Thank you for the script! We will take a look on Monday and see if we can get it to work.
Questions and Answers:
- Why would you migrate your current JSS away from the Mac OS server to Windows?
-- This decision was made before me. I can assume or hypothesize that the Mac Server is older and need of replacement. Since we are moving to Active Directory it made since to build out a virtual environment. We are an educational institution so pricing is great!
Thank you, I understand on some forums noobs can have some lets say fun.
Posted on 05-09-2015 11:09 AM
@lee.smith If I'm reading it right and you want to remove the OD connection from the Macs before joining the new AD domain, you can accomplish it with a one line command added to a policy in Casper:
dsconfigldap -r name.of.od
So if I had an OD connection on the clients like this:
I would do the following:
dsconfigldap -r
If the computers are already on and restarting would be cumbersome, set it on the recurring check-in trigger instead.
Then you can use a normal AD bind in the JSS to get them hooked up to the new directory.
Posted on 05-09-2015 11:11 AM
Forgot to say, if you run it on a computer that doesn't have the OD connection, it will just get an error (something like Error: Node name wasn't found. (2000)
). This wouldn't have any adverse effect so (unless you really want to), its not really worth the effort to check if they are connected first.
Posted on 05-09-2015 11:26 AM
Thanks @davidacland
We were running into a similar issue using the script from
Thank you!
Posted on 05-09-2015 04:35 PM
Hey @MAD0oM I wonder if you could edit your post to enclose the script above in the script marks that the forum provides. Right now, all the script comments that have a # in front of them are showing as headings, and all commands enclosed with back tick marks ( ` ) are not appearing correctly. You didn't do anything wrong. Its just that since the forum now uses Markdown its translating some of those marks into text formatting - basically Markdown doing its job.
Besides looking a little odd, if anyone copies your script as is from here, they wouldn't have a working script without doing a bit of editing. Since there are all types of skill levels of people here, someone not familiar with scripting could get a little tripped up.
You can highlight the whole script and just click the button above the editor window that looks like >_ to enclose it, or just put a ``` in front of the #!/bin/sh and another ``` at the very end of the script.
Posted on 05-09-2015 05:13 PM
Thanks @mm2270! I would have beating my head against the wall.
Thanks again!
Posted on 05-09-2015 06:18 PM
The script @MAD0oM is referencing is also available from here:
It was written to migrate from one OpenLDAP domain to another, so it may not fit this situation. An accompanying blog post on how I used it is available from here:
However, I had a similar migration to perform (moving from one AD domain to another) and it may be possible to adapt the process I used to this situation. I have a post on what I did which is available from here:
Posted on 07-06-2015 03:42 PM
I need to migrate users over from one AD domain to another. @rtrouton I was looking at your blog entry and your example with Deploy Studio. If I just unbind the machine from the old domain and rebind to the new one with Casper and then run the script will it work ?
Posted on 07-07-2015 08:07 AM
@rcorbin if you have unbound from the old AD domain and then bound to the new one there shouldn't be anything more to do. This is assuming you are keeping the users and specifically the UUIDs the same in the old and the new domain.
Which script are you referring to above?
Posted on 12-03-2015 12:57 PM
In case anyone needs it, I created a script to migrate client/user systems from one Directory Service to another (AD to OD or OD to AD), taking care of creating new mobile user, setting filevault, and changing home directory permissions.
Also created a script to migrate a large file system where user id numbers and GUID will be changing (file server or SAN).
Heres the github to the client/user migration script:
Here's the github to the filesystem migration script:
Posted on 12-03-2015 01:01 PM
Very nice! Thanks for sharing :)