Mind Manager v22 for MAC

New Contributor II



I'm trying to package MindManager v22 (14), but when I try to test it out, it prompts me to log into an email MindJet account first before entering the license key. Is there a way to bypass for a silent install?

We've packaged the v12 in the past and used the script below, but I can't seem to get it working for v22.
Any help is appreciated.




#   MindManagerSettings.sh -- Set License and accept EULA
#   Version: 1.1
#   - Philipp Reinheimer, 14.04.2018

currentuser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

#---LicenseKey and Settings---#
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.12 LicenseKey 'APxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.12 ShowEULA -int 0"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.12 Edition -int 0"

su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 DeviceAutoUpdateDisabled -bool false"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 FirstLaunch -bool false"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 StartupDialogPolicy -int 3"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 NewDocumentOnStart -int 1"

echo $currentuser

exit 0



New Contributor

I'm pretty sure that Mind Manager switched the way users log in/activate their software. We used to package it as well, and activate it, but their licensing went to user based, so the user would have to create an account, and then it could get activated. You might need to reach out to Mind Manager to see if they have a solution for you.

Esteemed Contributor

This is something I would reach out to the vendor about. If there is a different way to handle license provisioning, they would have the documentation.

New Contributor III

I called the mind manager support last week and was told that starting with MindManager 13/22 you can provide license information and a few configuration options, e.g. tracking, either via a mobileconfig profile or in case of the license information via a special open command on the command line. They recommend using the mobileconfig.
If your company has an Enterprise license they should get or can request all necessary information from the MindManager support. A few hours after my request I got an email which contains the license certificate, the current license key for the version announced with this mail and download links for a deployment guide for macOS and the neccessary offline installer. 
With all those information I was able to create a mobileconfig that does some basic configuration and licensing.