MIndmanager enable the SSO with kerberos jamf


DO we have any option to enable the SSO using the kerberos jamf auto login with mindmanager application ? 

we have user based licence and just want to automate to login with there email ID SSo to be enabled 

when user open the application it should authenticate and login auto or atlease ask the password for the user account ?

looking for the document and steps


Esteemed Contributor

Yes, Jamf can deploy Configuration Profiles to enable SSOe, and PSSO with any IDP (Okta, Azure, Kerberos {not an IDP but putting it here anyway} etc.) and App (MindManager, Office, etc.) that supports the function on macOS.


I suggest reaching out to MindManager to find out if they support SSO on macOS, if they do have them provide documentation on how to enable it.