Posted on 12-12-2011 04:29 AM
Hi all,
When I run software updates I am getting these errors (see below) in
Casper Policy logs on some clients. Any ideas what needs to be done to fix
Installing all available Software Updates...
Result of Software Update:2011-12-11 08:17:27.426
softwareupdate[9929:3903] PackageKit: ** Missing bundle identifier:
/Library/Receipts/Citrix ICA Client.pkg
2011-12-11 08:17:27.445 softwareupdate[9929:3903] PackageKit: ** Missing
bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac QuickTime Components.pkg
2011-12-11 08:17:27.447 softwareupdate[9929:3903] PackageKit: *** Missing
bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac Web Plugins.pkg
All 10.6 Macs. I know Receipts changed location to
/private/var/db/receipts after 10.5.
I wonder I need to move the receipts to /private/var/db/receipts?? Why
would Apple Software Update look for 3rd party receipts?
Posted on 12-12-2011 04:34 AM
Hi Cem,
We get these on and off, i believe its and issue on your share
repair permissions on your share for your packages, that should fix it,
one or more packages can't be written to for the BOM,
repair permissions and try again
Criss Myers BArch
Senior IT Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone / iPad Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5050
01772 895050
Posted on 12-12-2011 06:09 AM
you can ignore these. moving the receipts won't help. if you really want to fix the receipts for those installed pkgs to add what's missing, that will resolve he issue, but it's not a big deal. this issue also shouldn't have anything to do with your Casper distribution point or require repairing permissions.
Posted on 12-12-2011 06:28 AM
Thanks for the replies!
Maybe its not related but; I have over 100 Macs in Smart Group called Software Update Available. I have been running software update for these Macs and they are coming up with similar errors. It doesn’t look like they have any software update available, yet they are still in that smart group (and they never go away from this group)?! I thought this error was fooling the SWU availability.
Yes I have re-saved the Smart Group to get it updated…. And ran recon on those Macs too.
Anyone having a similar issue or got an answer?
Posted on 12-12-2011 06:34 AM
i disagree as i only see these missing bundles when ANOTHER package fails to install, and
the error itself about the missing bundle is relevant but its only thrown up when any packages fails, so the underlying problem is a failed different package, namely the last one it came too in the process,
a repair permissions always fixes it for me
Criss Myers BArch
Senior IT Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone / iPad Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5050
01772 895050
Posted on 12-12-2011 06:39 AM
Software update policy fixes the permissions at the end. But these Macs still picking up the policy (as they don’t get off the SWU available smart group) and come up with same error. Its a loop!
Posted on 12-13-2011 09:41 AM
this is the script that worked wonders for us. we put it on all 10.6 macs
to help fix the missing bundle identifier issue. i like the solution
because it doesn't delete anything, just moves it to another directory in
the same folder.
cd /Library/Receipts
mkdir oldstuff
mv *.pkg oldstuff/
Posted on 07-16-2012 10:36 AM
I've inherited a setup where the previous admin did what the above (deleted) account recommends. However, I've encountered several machines in our environment where this has been done, and yet the receipts have re-appeared. It apparently happens like this:
script runs
pkg files moved from /Library/Receipts to /Library/Receipts/OldPKGs
*something happens* (update, whatever)
pkg files re-appear
script runs
pkg files NOT moved!
My understanding of the mv command is that it's supposed to "do it anyway", but I'm getting "directory not empty" messages, and the files remain (I've tested this by manually running the commands the script runs and observing the results).
The only fix seems to be to delete the packages rather than move them. I've read that there is no ill effect to this. Is that true?
Posted on 07-16-2012 11:23 AM
receipts and .boms are also stored under /var/db/receipts, so removing them from /Library/Receipts may not do the job. i'd advise against moving them at all, even though i have in the past. the missing bundle identifier error is telling you what's missing from the receipts in question. to resolve, add a bundle identifier (if possible and/or necessary).
Posted on 07-16-2012 12:45 PM
i whipped up a simple way to resolve this issue here:
populate a hash of pkg names and the value you want for the CFBundleIdentifier (use whatever it should be or something similarly appropriate), and have it run on machines that throw this error.
i don't know offhand if it will full resolve the issue, but it should work and not cause too much harm. test first, obviously.