Mojave and scripts

Valued Contributor II

I'm working on our Mojave build and I can't seem to get our scripts to run through jamf, dep, or even locally.

I created a PPPC allowance based on thislink. I can see it applied to the test VM, but when I run it with set -x, it just sits there on

+ exec

and never progresses


Valued Contributor II

Check out the MobileConfigs in these repos.

You'll want this one -

and here are some more white lists - most notably the Terminal & Shell/Python MobileConfig Whitelists.

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Valued Contributor II

I've got the jamf one and I had my own versions of carlashley's. I swapped mine for carl's but still have same results.

Valued Contributor II

very strange, especially since you've deployed the mobile config directly from jamf to the machines to allow jamf to run scripts.

I would escalate this to a Jamf Support Case so they can dig deeper!

Wish I could help more, best of luck!

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