Mojave Software Update Server Address Location

New Contributor III

Does anyone know where in Mojave I can do a "Defaults read/write" to manipulate the address for the Software Update Server? I have a situation where only if I whitelist a machine through my firewall am I able to do OS updates. App Store updates work beautifully. It seems that Apple has changed the way that this works in Mojave. Thanks.


Contributor III


Hello, I had to create a policy with a script, in addition to the defaults write command to set the URL
I have still an Internal Apple SUS and not NetSUS yet. This is what I used

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SUDisableEVCheck -bool TRUE
exit 0

NetSUS URL - generic URL

https://sus.mycompany.corp/content/catalogs/others/index-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1_<Branch Name>.sucatalog

Info gathered from NetSUS read me
NetSUS read me

“It also performs extended validation of TLS certificates.
To disable this, use a policy or Jamf Remote to execute the above command on managed computers:

This preference may also be set using a Configuration Profile.

Note: For macOS Mojave clients the Base URL should be set to https

My note
Try both in your URL (http and https, I am using the former in the URL)

Hope it helps