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11:56 AM
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Hello I have been running this script in FileMaker Pro for years now and it has been quite reliable.
I now want to make my process more efficient. I am then starting to run filemaker script on the server than rather on the client.
However, for some of the filemaker scripts a NAS (Synology DS214+) called "FARAMIR" has the be mounted. Up to now there was no issues because those scripts ran on the client.
In running FileMaker server I only have to turn on my Mac mini and the server becomes remotely accessible to all clients. I do not have to logon onto an account and everything for filemaker server to be remotely accessible.
There is an exception, the NAS is not mounted.
Is there a way with an applescript for it to mount the NAS without having to log on? What about super user, would that be the way to go?
If not possible with an applescript, would there be another way?
With regards!
set cancellingscript to "NO" set mountedFARAMIR to "" repeat until mountedFARAMIR contains "MOUNTED" try set mountedERROR to "NO" set theping to (do shell script "ping -c 1 -t 1") on error display dialog "There was a problem connecting to the file server. FARAMIR does not seem to be available at this time. Verify if the server was started and try again" with icon stop buttons {"Cancel", "Keep trying..."} if button returned of result is "Cancel" then set cancellingscript to "YES" end if set mountedERROR to "YES" delay 5 end try if mountedERROR is equal to "NO" or cancellingscript is equal to "YES" then set mountedFARAMIR to "MOUNTED" end if end repeat if cancellingscript is equal to "NO" then tell application "Finder" set mounted_disks to list disks --display dialog result as string if mounted_disks does not contain "Data" then try mount volume "afp://FARAMIR._afpovertcp._tcp.local/Data" on error errMSG number errorNumber display dialog ("There was a problem mounting FARAMIR/DATA : " & errorNumber as text) & ", please notify your system administrator" return end try end if end tell delay 3 end if