MPKG package failing with Casper Policy

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Hi All,

We have a MPKG package which I am trying to install Via Casper policy.

Installation is failing with following error "Installation failed. The
installer reported: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid:
'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/Sophos Anti-Virus.mpkg"

I have followed the procedure as given in JAMF knowledge Base & did the
permission repair, also selected "Force Distribution Points to use AFP/SMB
instead of HTTP*"*

But It works when I select the distribution point with Force Distribution
Points to use AFP/SMB instead of HTTP.

Need help on this please, Thanks in Advance.





On Jan 6, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Kumaresh.kulal wrote:

I thought back in the day casper didn't like mpkg's. We had to use composer to snapshot the install and make a DMG out of the package.

someone correct me if it's been changed in v8.


Honored Contributor

When we get failures with mpkgs like these, we re-blast the share permissions via Server Admin (as opposed to the method in the JSS Setup Utility)

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

Contributor III

Casper Suite loves MPKGs and it was prior to version 8 that it took in PKG and MPKGs.

I've gotten into the habit of:

  1. avoiding renaming a PKG or MPKG if possible, they don't like that sometimes depending on how it was created
  2. You may need to first cache it to the local box then run it, or in version 8 that seems to be done when you've checked the box for the MPKG in Casper Admin to 'Must be in stalled on the boot volume'

Have several MPKGs like Flip4Mac, the Office 2011 installer and updates, and MS Remote Desktop connection, just drop them in and go.

Craig E


I thought back in the day casper didn't like mpkg's. We had to use composer to snapshot the install and make a DMG out of the package.

someone correct me if it's been changed in v8.


Valued Contributor II

Are you forcing AFP/SMB, or using http? Can't get any of the Office 2008/2011 updaters to work over http (only option I have at one client), even if cached, so I end up repackaging...
On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Ernst, Craig S. wrote:


Contributor III

We only use AFP.

Craig E

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Kumaresh,

We had this problem before, ended up deleting from the distribution points (master and replicas), and re-uploading the pkg. Not sure why but it then worked.



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Hi ,

Tried resetting the permission of package mpkg to "755" & then re-uploaded
it to Casper admin, but no luck.

I would like to know more on Cache & Install in policy please.

Our Casper Version is :- 7.31


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Kumaresh,

When you add the pkg to the policy, select from the popup "Cache", then once the pkg is in the policy, check the box below to [x] Installed cached packages. We do this for anything of significant size (10 or 20 megs or larger). We also force AFP. Fewer problems.



Not applicable

Thanks Don, Let me try that option


Honored Contributor

RE the permissions change… This needs to happen after it's been uploaded to the CasperShare (in my experience)

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

Not applicable

Thanks Don, it is working with Cache & Install method.

But my IT Head doesn't want this to do in this way, so I had to try with out
cache & install in policy.

After several try once again I uploaded the package changed the package
permission & did Fix permission in JSS setup utility.

And Installation was successful.

Thank you all for your suggestions

Kumaresh Kulal