MS Office 2016 Auto Updater


What's up folks! Hate to bother everyone with this but we can't get this to work via Casper. Simple script to disable the Microsoft Auto Updater under the users profile. So that it's set to Manual:

defaults write HowToCheck Manual

if we create the script and run it from the desktop, works. If we add it to Casper and create a policy to push it, doesn't work.

Any thoughts on why it's not working via Casper?


Contributor III

Thanks, I do see that in /Library/Managed Preferences it's set correctly. For some reason I thought it would overwrite the existing .plist rather than piggybacking on it.

Contributor III

Ya anything you enforce via profile doesn't actually overwrite the original file, the system looks at the preference domain and supersedes the values in the profile.

If the profile in Managed Preferences looks correct, can you verify the actual behavior of MAU with a login/logout or reboot?

Contributor III

Haha, turns out it's going to be a little more complicated than I expected since I just reviewed the scripts we use when installing Office and one of them (among other things) deletes /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/. So thanks to your help it seems like the setting is now correct, but the setting doesn't do anything if the actual update application isn't there. I guess I'll need to create a policy on these computers to install MAU first (and maybe tweak or clone the installation policy).

It's also possible the Managed Preference hasn't worked for a while, so I'll check on that also to see if I can just delete it. Thanks again!