MUT issue

New Contributor

I've tried importing the CSV file using the updated MUT format, however it isn't transferring to JAMF.


Contributor III

First thing first, Do you have the latest MUT version ? If yes I would recommend to download the fresh template and try again. I am sure you have the right privilege in your Jamf account to upload / modify data.

Lastly if you still face issue, Please do share MUT logs.

New Contributor II

I'd also recommend checking if a comma is for sure the separator and not a semicolon or something else.


I'm also having issues with MUT.

I have the latest version.

My log file says Successful name enforcement request but it doesn't show the change in my Jamf Pro.

Contributor III

Hello Supersizeal,


Feel free to message me on JamfNation / Slack @Samstar777 . I would be happy to help you.




New Contributor II

I'm late to the game, but I wanted to put this down in case someone else comes here looking. The MUT uses Basic Authentication to utilize the Jamf API. If you've turned off Basic Auth in the 'Password Policy' section of the 'Users accounts and groups'  pane, then the MUT can't POST to your instance. You'll have to turn Basic Auth back on to run it and then turn it off again. This will work until they completely deprecate Basic Auth. 

New Contributor II

I'd also like to mention (since I ran into similar issue of changes not making to jamf pro) that you need to make sure the formatting of the cell in the csv template is correct. I was trying to add Lease Expiration field and by default the format was Date *3/14/12 when needs to be Date 2012-03-14. Found the error in mut.log and easy fix from there.