Posted on 12-29-2015 01:21 PM
Hi I am installing the latest JSS on a new OS X 10.10.5 with server 5 and when I install MySQL 5.7 I try to follow the installation Guide for JSS and I get and error when I run "mysql" that no command is found.
Added to that typing a different command to stop mysql from running I get an error that no PID is found.
Has anyone else encountered this and solved it? I reformatted the machine once thinking I messed up the settings but that was not to case.
Posted on 12-30-2015 03:44 AM
It sounds like you need the full bath to the mysql binary. I think its in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql in OS X.
Posted on 12-30-2015 05:11 AM
David's right. the full path is needed to the binary.. unless you add a line to your bash profile. found this link to help with that via Stack Exchange