Neighbour SSID to Hide

New Contributor

Hi Everyone


I know a way in windows to block an SSID to show in my computer via CMD script👇🏻

netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid="SSID NAME" networktype=infrastructure

if I run this command in windows, my neighbour's SSID won't even show in my wifi list 


I tried so hard to find something similar for Mac but no luck, can someone tell me if this is possible and how ?






Valued Contributor II

I researched this myself once and the general consensus appears to be that this is not yet possible in macOS.

I work in school and one of the neighbours chose a very inappropriate name on their SSID, so we got a request to hide this, in windows it's possible but I couldn't find anything in mac either

I think this would be nice to have. I guess Apple hasn't seen this as an important feature to add. Maybe you could talk to the neighbor and ask them to change it? I work a lot from home and I see a lot of SSIDs that were clearly meant to be funny or maybe offensive.

problem is we don't know who is it, we have 100 houses around the school, so hard to find