Posted on 03-07-2011 09:25 AM
I have created a Netboot image for 10.6.5, but need help disabling
It appears that after Casper Imaging erases the Hard Drive, on some systems
Spotlight will begin indexing drives. I think this slows down the imaging
I've found some command line recommendations on the web, but everyone has
their own opinion on how to do it for 10.6. It's my understanding that I
would disable spotlight while building up my netboot master system, prior to
capturing with System Image Utility.
Is there a definitive way to disable Spotlight while netbooted for 10.6?
Posted on 03-07-2011 09:45 AM
On my "build image" I put this in to a script
sudo mdutil -a -i off
And set the priority to, At Reboot
That way our build image is never attempting to index any volumes.
Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator