Posted on 08-06-2015 12:06 PM
I have a NetSUS install on an Ubunutu VM, and everything appears to be working fine. I've manually run the repo_sync command and everything syncs fine, I have new updates downloaded this month. In the webadmin of the NetSUS, I have created a root branch and applied all packages to it. So far so good I believe.
I go to the JSS, and in the settings I've added the software update server info, gave it a name, put in the Server and Port, which I assume should be and port 80?
I've applied that to a new policy which is applied to a few test machines. I know they need updates, but in Self Service, it appears to be running, but only takes a few seconds, so I know it didn't actually update anything. Now, when I manually go to the App store and check for updates, it throws an error:
"The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "" which could put your confidential information at risk."
Now I can't even apply updates straight from Apple for some reason. Any ideas in what I am doing wrong?
Posted on 08-10-2015 12:52 AM
The setting in the JSS does only work correctly with an Apple SUS. Directly point your clients to the OS specific URL instead (example for 10.10):
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL ""
Posted on 08-21-2015 08:39 AM
Tried that, still get the certificate error:
"The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "" which could put your confidential information at risk."
Posted on 08-21-2015 11:31 AM
It's likely has to do with how the networking is setup for the VM. Are you hosting multiple VMs on one box? Can you switch it to a bridged network connection, rather than a shared?
It knows your going through a VM and is giving you this warning. There's probably a way to remedy this without adjust the network adapter settings in ubuntu but this is the only way I know to test. For now.
Posted on 08-24-2015 11:57 AM
It's in a shared blade server cluster using XenServer. I have a slew of other machines, including other Ubuntu systems, that I've never seen issues with.