New Teams for School or Work Screen Recording bug

New Contributor III

I've been having this issue for a while and it seems to have been caused by a Jamf PPPC profile that I created to allow standard users to authorize Teams to screen record.

On Monterey and earlier operating systems, users get stuck in an endless loop in the new Teams when trying to enable Screen Recording to screen share. They get prompted to authorize it but even when it's authorized, they get asked again, as if it wasn't authorized. The only solution we've found so far is to upgrade to Ventura where it doesn't seem to be an issue but they do have to toggle it off and then back on and if it's already been set ton On.


Has anyone experienced this issue?


Thank you.


New Contributor III


We are experiencing the same issue regarding macOS 12 systems, and the new Microsoft Teams (work or school) application. 

Have not been able to troubleshoot or find a workaround, might have to upgrade to Sonoma at this point but this is very frustrating. Def a bug with the app I would say, looking to see if someone can open a ticket with Microsoft about it. 

New Contributor III

So far I have been able to figure out the following work around (further info on the issue):

  • The issue is with the PPPC to "Allow Standard Users" to turn on Screen Sharing Permissions.
  • This seems to be present on all versions of macOS 12 and earlier versions of macOS 13 (latest 13.6.x seems to not have this issue).
  • macOS 14 seems to be unaffected as well. 

Manual Fix (only solution so far):

  1. Remove the PPPC from the system (exclude the computer temporarily in Jamf from the config profile)
  2. Quit and reopen System Preferences (Settings)
  3. Go to Screen Sharing settings under Privacy
  4. Unlock with Admin Credentials first (click the lock on the bottom left corner)
  5. Uncheck the box for "Microsoft Teams (work or school)" 
  6. Select "Quit & Reopen" app
  7. Wait for Teams to open back up
  8. Check the box for "Microsoft Teams (work or school)" 
  9. Select "Quit & Reopen" app 
  10. Sharing Screen in Teams should work now
  11. Re-push PPPC for Microsoft Teams to the system (doesn't break the screen sharing permission). 


Hope this helps. 

Please open a ticket with AppleCare (Enterprise ticket) and if you can open a ticket with Microsoft for the new Teams as well. 

New Contributor III

I should add, keeping the PPPC profile with the "Screen Capture - Allow Standard User to Approve" on the system is the issue. You have to remove the profile first, then check the box for Teams after having unlocked system pref/settings as an admin, then repush the profile for it to work properly. 

Yes, I understand that part. Though I'm not sure who to contact exactly. I suppose Apple enterprise is a good start. Teams Classic gets discontinued in one month so there isn't much time left to resolve this.

@user-uArBIPgPMp It's not an Apple issue most likely, it seems that the new Microsoft Teams application does not properly recognize the "AllowStandardUserToSetSystemService" value set for the 'kTCCServiceScreenCapture' managed setting in the PPPC.


Best approach is to submit a ticket to Microsoft support instead of Apple, as Apple will not fix anything on macOS 12 at this point and will most likely suggest upgrading to macOS 13 or 14. 

New Contributor III

I Don't know if this was resolved, but for anyone wondering I was able to allow it by adding new teams permissions for full disk access and then going back and allowing ScreenCapture. 

Here is a screenshot

pppc new teams screen.PNG

New Contributor

In my eyes, it's not resolved.

I've deployed the known PPPC-Profile and we are still caught in the "prompted to authorize" loop.

MacOS 14.5 installed. 

New Contributor III

is it for "" identifier?

What I have in the screenshot still works for us. User get prompted to enable screen recording only once for new teams. Standard user are able to allow since this change.

New Contributor

Of course it is for "" identifier.

With or without settings for "Accessibility" & "SystemPolicyAllFiles".
Uninstall everything from Teams & Teams2, clean up the system, Install afresh machine,...
It makes no difference - still the loop!

Valued Contributor

@m_heide @adonboli Did you guys find a solution to this?

New Contributor III

This issue has been resolved by Microsoft, make sure to install the latest version of Microsoft Teams and have the correct configuration profile to allow "standard users to approve" screen recording permission for Microsoft Teams ( app. 

Valued Contributor

Yep... one step ahead of you.  we've applied the latest version and have the PPPC config profile set correclty.  the weird thing is, it's only affect some users not all.