New Contributor III

Joined: March 2021

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  • 17 Posts
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I've been having this issue for a while and it seems to have been caused by a Jamf PPPC profile that I created to allow standard users to authorize Teams to screen record.On Monterey and earlier operating systems, users get stuck in an endless loop i...
Hello, I'm looking to modify the configuration file for Cisco AnyConnect for our users. The file xml by default goes to /opt/cisco/anyconnect/profile/. I wish to make a simple alteration to modify the hostname and address name of the VPNs available.W...
Hello everyone, I would like to know if it is possible to deploy pkg from a url. The reason I'm asking is because the linked url contains a version of the pkg that automatically logs in our agent. If I simply download the pkg of the agent and store i...