NoMAD - Syncing Password to Keychain Item

New Contributor

Hi All

I'm trying to sync up noMAD so that when a user updates their password, It updates our 802.11x Keychain. The Keychain Item is called Workstations, I have tried the following

defaults write com.trusourcelabs.NoMAD LocalPasswordSync 1

defaults write com.trusourcelabs.NoMAD UseKeychain True

defaults write com.trusourcelabs.NoMAD KeychainItems -dict Workstations ${USER}

I'm pretty new to noMAD, so apologies if this obvious - Anyone know where I'm going wrong?


Valued Contributor II

I've had issues when writing out the plist - even when the plist was 110% accurate. Intermittent success with that method.

I've found that utilizing Profile Creator works every time without fail. Try it out. -

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New Contributor

@Hugonaut Weirdly I tried that already but I couldn't get it to update the keychain

I installed this profile, but still no joy!


Is there anything I am missing here?