Posted on 07-19-2017 11:34 PM
No real question, just something i have to share, (me working in a big school with 3500 pc's and only 350 mac's so the windows co workers don't mind)
Yesterday installed OSX 10.12.5 on mac's in 6 classrooms with Jamf.
The install for the new school year, was happy and proud to do so much installs in one day :)
Then yesterday evening, my phone bleeped, and a message : Apple releases 10.12.6
Hahaha, i know i can do an update with JAmf, but had to laugh a bit, so soon after i installed those class rooms and OS update.
Well today gonna arrange an update to .6
Sad part, i shutdown all the macs and since there are no students till september, i have to walk around and start them to get the .6 update.
Just wanted to share with people who understand :)
Posted on 07-19-2017 11:49 PM
We usually give updates some time, in case they turn out to be problematic.
Posted on 07-20-2017 12:37 AM
I'd give it a week or so just in case, but your right, you're going to have to run round and turn them all again :(
It's almost like Apple we're waiting for you!
Posted on 07-20-2017 12:58 AM
Yes thats why i had to laugh, and wanted to share.
Just one of those days :)
concerning, giving it a week, starting tomorrow, i have 4 weeks holiday.
So i worked hard to be ready before my holiday starts, and now it feels, like its not 100%
Indeed, i always wait some time before installing the updates, well probably i better wait till after my holiday.
Posted on 07-20-2017 01:34 AM
4 weeks holiday..... LUCKY YOU!! :-)
Thankfully moving jobs to a Uni so not much longer before I'll be joining you :-)
Posted on 07-20-2017 05:30 AM
@A_A The 10.12.6 update is based on the Homeland security vulnerabilities list found here:
But I know what you mean, trust me I know what you mean.
Posted on 07-20-2017 05:47 AM
Apple has an uncanny knack for releasing updates just after some of us push their previous release out. Strange how that happens isn't it? :)
Posted on 07-20-2017 07:20 AM
Not that previous release dates are a reliable guide, but if you compare the release dates of the Sierra and El Capitan updates you'll see that they were pretty much on the same schedule (+/- a few days).
Posted on 07-20-2017 11:36 AM
Tim publicly said that the "upgrades" would happen yearly. They started out on Oct but the last two have been Sept.
You can sort of get a feel for the "updates" in the seed and/or Dev programs.
Posted on 07-20-2017 01:56 PM
Thank you for all the technical comments
But most off all Thank you for sharing the feeling :)
It was just one of those days :)
I updated most of the macs This afternoon to feel a bit more ready. :)