Office 2011 Recent File plist?


Does anyone insight in clearing recent files from Excel (and rest) using terminal or script?

Assuming they are stored in a plist somewhere..

*Reason: Users open files directly on a shared drive, later complain the office is slow and that the files are on their desktop. Clearing recents solves the issue



ah... found that its Users/"user"/Library/Preferences/ but the file includes other data so it would need to be removed some how

Valued Contributor III

This is also a huge problem with Office 2016, but my attempts to clear the recents have been met with the same result. In Office 2016, Microsoft made clearing recents more difficult. Users have to do them one at a time. There is no clear all function. This is very stupid. I would like to just categorize Microsoft Office as malware, and purge it from all of my managed systems, but I don't get to make that choice :(