Office 2016 default Save dialog mode

Honored Contributor

We have the volume license version of Office 2016 and I've come to really hate the default Save dialog box that is just a few blank columns with no real indication of what the user is looking at and it is very confusing for them to know what to do next. 86214d2257024f7b9d2561a0fb62a342

Yes, there is the "On My Mac" button there in the lower left but if the user needs to save a file to our file server, that's not "On My Mac". This is a horrible design by MS and I will register my complaint with them accordingly.

To avoid the inevitable questions that this will generate, is there a "default" command that I can roll into a Policy and set the save dialog box to "On My Mac" mode instead of "Online Locations" mode?


Valued Contributor

It is recorded in ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg file.

1) Click "On My Mac" and Save a document ~/Documents folder and also Open a document for your computer so it will remember "On My Mac" setting.

2) Create a .dmg of ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg using Composer and then push it with FEU and FUT ticked so all existing users and User Template will get it.

Valued Contributor

yep its in the SQLite DB, along with all other user customisable settings

If you have access to MS Premiere support please log a ticket so we can put some pressure on them to change this behaviour.

Creating the DB and then sending it out to all users is horrible, the DB contains a lot of other info you may not want to move between users or machines, so make sure you test thoroughly even have a look at the data in the DB with something like sqlitebrowser and perhaps test sanitising any user specific details.

New Contributor

So, I have been digging into the MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg and have found the entry that controls this setting. If I use a GUI SQLite editor (DB Browser for SQLite) , I can successfully change the value and get consistent results.


node_id: 485
name: OpenSaveLocally
type: 4
value: 0 -or- 1

By default the value is 0, this will cause show the "Online Locations" as the default save location. If you change the value to 1 it will show "On My Mac" as the default save location.

Does anyone know how we can script this change?

Honored Contributor

What you want is this:

It's built into OS. Back at the PSU Mac Admins conference @talkingmoose had a good talk covering Office 2016. When the subject of this database came up, I mentioned that one should really not copy the entire database but rather manipulate it using the appropriate tools so that you can script accordingly. Perhaps that's more than some people may want to get into. But it's certainly worthwhile picking up and learning. Because I imagine if you copy the entire database you will be getting certain preferences that are very specific to the user you were working under.

I'd look more into it myself but we're not on Office 2016 yet.

New Contributor

@bpavlov I actually listened to that whole presentation and heard someone mention sqlite3 which gave me hope that this could be done.

I was hoping that someone else more experienced with the sqlite3 command could offer some insight.

New Contributor

Hello All,

So I have been working with the sqlite3 command and have come up with a short script that will edit the OpenSaveLocally parameter. This will change the default File->Open and File->Save behavior to show the On My Mac option instead of the Online Locations. Though, the Online Locations button will still be available to the user.

Note: Since this database is per-user and not per-computer, the user you want to change logged in when the script is ran.


# sqlite3 script to change the default OpenSaveLocally from false (0) to true (1).
# By Tim Arnold
# 10/13/15

#Gather Information

loggedInUser=$(id -un)

path="/Users/"$loggedInUser"/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg"

#Read value of current key
currentKey=$(echo 'SELECT * FROM HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values WHERE name="OpenSaveLocally";'| sqlite3 "$path")
echo "CurrentKey is $currentKey"

#Update or insert key as needed
if [ "$currentKey" = "" ]; then
    echo "No Key Present. Setting."
    echo 'INSERT INTO HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values VALUES(485,"OpenSaveLocally",4,1);' | sqlite3 "$path"

elif [ $currentKey = "485|OpenSaveLocally|4|0" ]; then
    echo "Key Present. Set to Online Locations. Changing to Local Default"
    echo 'UPDATE HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values SET value='1' WHERE name="OpenSaveLocally";' | sqlite3 "$path"

elif [ $currentKey = "485|OpenSaveLocally|4|1" ]; then
    echo "Key Present. Key is set to Save Locally."


exit -0

Please let me know if you see anything that could be improved.

Esteemed Contributor III

@tim.c.arnold wow, just the thing to bookmark at breakfast here at #JNUC2015. Kudos!


Honored Contributor

@tim.c.arnold Glad to see you rose to the occasion and tackled it. Good job. You could probably combine this script with a launch agent so it launches for each user.

Honored Contributor

I can't wait to try it out

Valued Contributor III

@tim.c.arnold It doesn't work if it creates a new key, the reason for this is the node value actually changes every time the value is first created and if you precreate it then Word just creates another node with the value in it instead of honouring the one you created.
You can change an already created one but creating a new one doesn't work.

Valued Contributor

What @Look said.

Borrowed from Eric Holtman's discoveries:

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values" links to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" entry and the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" entry links to a parent_id in the database. - Discovery of the parent_id is done by 'SELECT node_id from HKEY_CURRENT_USER WHERE name = 'Common' ORDER BY node_id LIMIT 1' but that only works if the apps have been launched and the database populated.

New Contributor

Good catch, I was only working with a pre-populated database. There is still more work to be done to make this deploy-able.

@calumhunter I have not seen that post from Eric Holtman. Do you have a link?

New Contributor

I am Eric Holtam, the one @calumhunter is referencing.
I did some rudimentary discovery back in August attempting to manipulate the .reg database prior to any users launching Office apps to have the default location not be OneDrive. It didn't go so well.

If the database exists due to a first launch of an Office app the values can be manipulated to set the default save location, but I wasn't able to pre-crate the database and settings in a way that the apps would use. If I create the database and values, the first launch will still just create its own values.

I've basically given up on this. If anyone wants to pick it up and run have at it.

Notes I took while doing the discover are on my gist


New Contributor II

Bumping this back up.

Thought I'd be clever and run a check to see if Word is running, then trigger the next policy to run the SQLite command. We have check-in every five minutes so there's a good window of opportunity to catch as many users as I can before they try to save a document.

I'm no expert at bash, that's for sure. It nearly worked, but it fails because it tries to edit the DB at /Users/root/Library.

I'm not sure how to edit the script to change this or even if it can be changed. Any ideas?

Check if word is running...

processrunning=$(pgrep -i $process)

if [ $processrunning != "" ] 
     echo $process " is running. Run policy with notification to user that Firefox will be shut down."
     jamf policy -id 44
     echo $process " is NOT running. Run policy without notification.
     jamf policy -id #####
exit 0

Then make the DB changes...


# sqlite3 script to change the default OpenSaveLocally from false (0) to true (1).
# By Tim Arnold
# 10/13/15

#Gather Information

loggedInUser=$(id -un)

path="/Users/"$loggedInUser"/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg"

#Read value of current key
currentKey=$(echo 'SELECT * FROM HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values WHERE name="OpenSaveLocally";'| sqlite3 "$path")
echo "CurrentKey is $currentKey"

#Update or insert key as needed
if [ "$currentKey" = "" ]; then
    echo "No Key Present. Setting."
    echo 'INSERT INTO HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values VALUES(485,"OpenSaveLocally",4,1);' | sqlite3 "$path"

elif [ $currentKey = "485|OpenSaveLocally|4|0" ]; then
    echo "Key Present. Set to Online Locations. Changing to Local Default"
    echo 'UPDATE HKEY_CURRENT_USER_values SET value='1' WHERE name="OpenSaveLocally";' | sqlite3 "$path"

elif [ $currentKey = "485|OpenSaveLocally|4|1" ]; then
    echo "Key Present. Key is set to Save Locally."


exit -0

Valued Contributor

Modifying the database, WHILE word is open or any MS application scares me.
Would not do that.

If you "REALLY" want to change it, open word, change the default save location
package up the database and deploy it as a FUT FEU package

New Contributor II

It's a test laptop, I don't mind if I break it. :)

It's been reimaged a dozen times in the last few days.

I'll give what you suggested a try. We aren't rolling these out until 2016 so hopefully we can find a way around it by then.

Valued Contributor

MS aren't likely to "fix" this or provide a method to set this preference.
They've already made the design decision in the applications to use this new database for preferences

You're best most supportable method of action is client/customer education.

But good luck! Post back any wins you have :)

Contributor II

I just started following this discussion because we're getting ready to deploy Office 2016 this coming week, and we saw this particular behavior as a potential issue for our users.

Am I understanding correctly that @tim.c.arnold 's script only works if one of the apps has been launched? If that is so, and it keeps the change going forward, then we do have a partial solution. Yes, it'd be nice to pre-create this BEFORE the user (or the admin setting up a new user) logs in. But if the only requirement is that you launch one of the apps first, I think I can live with that for now.

New Contributor

Correct, the only way to change the setting with a script is after the application creates it on first launch.

There are talks with a Microsoft developer about this in the mac admins slack instance ( and he's being very receptive to suggestions and changes. This was one item that topped the list to change. They are aware and will investigate making this setting pre-configurable. Granted it won't help you and here's no timeframe for this change but they are aware.

Contributor II

@eholtam: Thanks, for the confirmation.

I'm wondering if other settings that used to be in plists are also now saved in the SQLite DB.

For example:
- Skip document gallery
- Save AutoRecover info interval

When I do a defaults read on the individual Office apps' plists, I don't see these keys. They used to be saved in the file, but that file doesn't exist anymore.

@calumhunter Regarding your fear of changing the db while one of the apps is running, isn't that what we're doing anyway when we change any settings in the Preferences window of any of the apps? Or, in this particular case, the Save/Open dialog?

I don't think it'll hurt to test it out.

New Contributor

I wanted to update everyone here:

First, I couldn't find any new solution for this problem. I kept running into the same wall -- having to launch an application to initialize the DB before running the script to edit the DB key.

Second, It looks like this problem may go away with the January release of Microsoft Office 2016.
From the Mac Admins - Slack group:

Already scheduled for 15.18 mid-January Release (i.e. work currently in progress)*​
1.    New plist preference to control default save location

Here's to having a great Holiday, and then coming back to a resolution from Microsoft!!

Valued Contributor


@calumhunter Regarding your fear of changing the db while one of the apps is running, isn't that what we're doing anyway when we change any settings in the Preferences window of any of the apps? Or, in this particular case, the Save/Open dialog?

Yes, but the applications would be using their own API to interface with the database. If you modify the DB outside of this bad things could happen.

Valued Contributor

Another update to this.

15.18 should be out by January 12-14th. Dates are subject to change.

New Contributor

Even though 15.18 is not currently released to the public. Here is the command to have office default to Open and Save Locally instead of OneDrive once it is released:

defaults write /Users/$userShortName/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/ DefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool TRUE

This is a user preference and not a computer wide preference, so it needs to be run for each user.

Credit goes to Paul Bowden (Software engineer for Office for Mac/iOS at Microsoft) for this becoming a pref instead of only in the MicrosoftRegistrationDB.

Valued Contributor

I can confirm this works on 15.18. Rather than a login hook or outset, I converted the plist to a profile that is installed at the user level and it works flawlessly.


New Contributor

I am not a developer, just a user of Office 2016. I have the latest version 15.18 and would dearly love to change the Office default to Open and Save Locally, but I don't know how to apply the command that tim arnold has posted. Please can anyone help me? I am sure that there are many thousands of Office 2016 users who would like to make this change!

Valued Contributor

Hey @paulfanner

Open Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities/ or search for "Terminal" in Spotlight.

Copy and paste the following:

defaults write ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/ DefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool TRUE

Open Office 2016 and the default save location should be local.

The easiest way would be to open Word, attempt to save a document and click on "On my Mac".

New Contributor

Hi Abdiaziz,
Many thanks for your reply and assistance. I have run this in terminal and I confirm that the plist file has been amended to include the key DefaultsToLocalOpenSave and is set to true. However, the Open button still defaults to OneDrive Personal - it is still necessary to select On my Mac to open local files!
Best regards,

Contributor III

Unfortunately the "DefaultsToLocalOpenSave" key does not work. Tested with version 15.19.1.

Valued Contributor

Hi All,
Just a follow up. My setting is working with 15.19.1. plist with key change converted to profile


Contributor III

What is the best way to deploy this preference? Run as script once per user? Or convert to profile?

How to convert plist to profile?

Contributor II

This command isn't working for me with 15.21.1. Does anyone know if the key pairs have changed?

Esteemed Contributor III

This is what we have for User level stuff, based on our requirements, seems to work for us...

## User level
over500=`dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 > 500 { print $1 }'`
for u in $over500 ;
    /bin/mkdir -p /Users/"$u"/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office 2>/dev/null
    /usr/bin/defaults write /Users/"$u"/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/ DefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool 'TRUE' 2>/dev/null
    /usr/sbin/chown -R "$u" /Users/"$u"/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office 2>/dev/null
    /usr/sbin/chown "$u" /Users/"$u"/Library/Preferences/ 2>/dev/null

EDIT: This is only a portion of our script.


New Contributor

Has anyone been able to get the imported into the JSS as a Configuration Profile Custom Setting?

It seems to work fine with the Defaults Write command but won't work as a Custom setting in the JSS (v.9.82).


Valued Contributor

hey @mackin_j I did have a working profile in 15.19.1, but with subsequent updates, it stopped working. I used Rich's script as part of my first boot for the settings that@donmontalvo mentioned, and fixed the dialog with outset login-once and "defaults write ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/ DefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool TRUE" as mentioned above. Has been working from15.19.1 to 15.22.whateverthehellwereatnow

Esteemed Contributor III

The defaults commands only seem to work for me when I use the entire path. Tilde ~ seems to break it.


New Contributor

The defaults command doesn't work for me at all, even putting in the entire path.

Even editing it in Terminal and adding:

<key>DefaultsToLocalOpenSave</key> <true/>

doesn't work.

Excel version 15.33 (170228).

New Contributor

Actually it works for Save, but not Open in Excel.

"The DefaultsToLocalOpenSave setting is for all office applications. It however is not consistent. For build 161019, Word's open and save default to local but for Powerpoint and Excel only save defaults to local."

Please vote here:

Will need hundreds more votes for Microsoft even to think about it.

Valued Contributor

@jlbrown how are you deploying it?. It's still working for me with version 15.31, haven't tried with 15.33 as I'm on slow release