Posted on 08-06-2015 01:45 PM
So, I'm not much of a writer, so I'll be quick with this.
Here is the code:
#Find Current User
CurrentUser=`/usr/bin/who | awk '/console/{ print $1 }'`
#Set Command Variable for trusted application
register_trusted_cmd="/usr/bin/sudo -u $CurrentUser /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -R -f -trusted"
#Set Variable for application being run against
application="/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AU"
#This runs the combination of variables above that will block the running
#of the until the user actually clicks on it, or goes
#into the help check for updates menu. Additionally this needs to be
#run for each user on a machine.
$register_trusted_cmd "$application"
#Ungracefully removes Office 2011
/bin/rm -rf /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/
#Turns off the FirstRunScreen for each application.
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool true
exit 0
Thanks to @tvsutton for his assistance for on this.
Posted on 08-06-2015 02:48 PM
@GaToRAiD @tvsutton
Great "write up". I do have a question and a comment.
First, its great that all the plists finally use the same key to disable the welcome screen. That just floored me in 2011 when the keys were different for every application.
Now, the question: Can you please explain the part with the trusted command? The comments mention this is to stop autoupdate from running unless the user intentionally opens it. Is there no way to change the autoupdate plist to manual checks in Office 2016? I'm not familiar with lsregister so just wanting some more information about that whole process.
Posted on 08-06-2015 06:23 PM
@jrippy The auto update config profile/preference still does apply however, with office 2016 regardless if you have the preference in place it will ignore it on first boot. What I'm doing here is telling GateKeeper to not trust the application thus when the application tries to open it, it will fail to open.
Posted on 08-06-2015 06:42 PM
Also for OneNote:
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool TRUE
Posted on 08-07-2015 04:40 AM
Blogged the first-run dialog preferences here:
Posted on 08-07-2015 06:14 AM
@timsutton Thank you for the help troubleshooting this, also pretty sure his blog will have more detail than I provided.
Posted on 08-07-2015 06:39 AM
@GaToRAiD Ok. Interesting idea about blocking it with Gatekeeper. How does lsregister differ from spctl for controlling gatekeeper?
Thanks to you and @timsutton, the rest of us will be ready for 2016 when we adopt it!
Posted on 08-07-2015 08:38 AM
@GaToRAiD Just for the record, this script would be run once on login per user right? Also, is there a significant advantage to blocking Microsoft's update through this script rather than the Restricted Software section in the JSS?
Posted on 08-07-2015 08:45 AM
@McAwesome We are deploying via a self service policy so it is ran at that time, but during testing we did run at at login if it is being pushed separate of the installer. We didn't want to fully break the AutoUpdater, which is why we didn't block via Restricted Software, we just didn't want it popping up for the first run of each software.
Posted on 08-07-2015 09:10 AM
@GaToRAiD Interesting. Does this get around that annoying "You are opening the application "Microsoft AU Daemon" for the first time" prompt? I just started looking around for a way to get rid of it on our lab machines before we push it out.
[EDIT] Nevermind, I see it in the script there. I should read more thoroughly before asking questions.
Posted on 08-09-2015 07:56 AM
We really need an ether-beer button here on JAMF Nation and on blogs like :)
Posted on 08-10-2015 02:02 AM
There is some other thing which should be mentioned ... After installing I stumbled through the plists and found this:
defaults read
{ SendAllTelemetryEnabled = 0; }
I guess you all want that deactivated, here is a little untested script. (If I find more, I'll post that.)
# Disable Ugly Microsoft Features...
for USER_TEMPLATE in "/System/Library/User Template"/*
#Turn off Telemetry
defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}/Library/Preferences/" SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool false
# Within USERs
for USER in "/Users"/*
#Turn off Telemetry
defaults write "${USER}/Library/Preferences/" SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool false
Posted on 08-10-2015 05:27 AM
@bofh How does ownership of look when you run it on your Mac?
Posted on 08-10-2015 05:34 AM
@donmontalvo In my User Folder:
-rw------- 1 root wheel 73 Aug 10 11:00
In one of the User Templates:
-rw------- 1 root wheel 73 Aug 10 11:00
I'm not sure if that happened with the script above or if the filerights where like that before
Posted on 08-10-2015 05:49 AM
OK so I'm not losing my mind. Mine looks like that too. I ran it locally, might be why root shows as owner.
I'll test through Self Service when I get to the office (since it runs as user with root rights). Guessing as well the User Template plist may need to be chown'd (additional line) if Self Service sets owner of all the files it is touching to current user.
Posted on 08-11-2015 07:06 AM
I'm just thinking out loud here, but could one not specify a choices installer with the following content so that AutoUpdate is never installed to begin with?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
I mean if the goal is to manage the updates yourself then this would surely stop it from coming up on first launch. I know I'm probably overlooking something, so someone please tell me why this approach isn't the way to go.
Posted on 08-11-2015 07:09 AM
@bpavlov Funny you say that, the issue is, if you have office 2011 on there, which would include the MAU as well, it will actually run that if the other is not found.
Posted on 08-11-2015 07:12 AM
Right, there's the issue of computers that already have Office 2011. But what about machines that don't have it? Not sure about others, but are others going to keep both 2011 and 2016 running side by side? I know it's possible, but I imagine usually companies leave the old version behind and uninstall it (emphasis on usually).
Posted on 08-11-2015 10:46 AM
So a bit more investigating on what kicks off Word launching after install:
postinstall in the Word installer
defaults_cmd="/usr/bin/sudo -u $USER /usr/bin/defaults"
if /bin/test -f "$application_info_plist"
application_bundle_signature=`$defaults_cmd read "$application_info_plist" CFBundleSignature`
application_bundle_version=`$defaults_cmd read "$application_info_plist" CFBundleVersion`
application_id=`printf "%s%02s" $application_bundle_signature ${application_bundle_version%%.*}`
$defaults_cmd write $domain Applications -dict-add "$application" "{ 'Application ID' = $application_id; LCID = $lcid ; }"
parent_dir=`/usr/bin/dirname "$0"`
office365_license="$HOME/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/"
# Find the PID of the installer process
installer_pid=$(/bin/ps -o pid,command -ax | /usr/bin/grep "" | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}')
if /bin/test -d "$application"
if /bin/test -e "$perpetual_license" || /bin/test -e "$office365_license"
logger "Office product already licensed."
# Launch $application once the installer process goes away
/usr/bin/sudo -u $USER "$chain_clu" -p "$installer_pid" -a "$application" --args -silent 1 &
exit 0
and the postinstall script calls the chain_app script also located in the same scripts folder for the Word installer:
# Chain launch a file system object.
# This script will wait for a process to complete and then open a file system
# object.
# Exit 1 if no args.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
exit 1
# Parse args.
while getopts ":a:d:p:" option
case $option in
# Application to execute.
# Delay in seconds to wait until $PID quits.
# PID to wait on before executing $APPLICATION.
p ) PID=$OPTARG ;;
* ) break ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
# Default $DELAY to 1 if not passed.
# Set extra args to rest of arguments.
# Sleep until $PID quits.
while [ $(/bin/ps -o pid -p"$PID" | /usr/bin/grep "$PID" | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}') ]
/bin/sleep "$DELAY"
# Execute application with extra args (if any).
/usr/bin/open "$APPLICATION" $EXTRA_ARGS
exit $?
Perhaps modifying the chain_app script so that it exits gracefully will do the trick so that Word isn't launched post-install.
exit 0
Not sure why Microsoft suddenly feels the need to open up an Office app after its been installed. Anyways, I'm just sharing what I'm finding. I haven't tested or put anything together, but will post more if any other little bits like this may prove useful to someone else.
Posted on 08-11-2015 01:03 PM
Just to follow up. It appears that modifying chain_app script does indeed work. Word is not auto-launched after install. And if I manually launch Word and have a profile set to make the first run preferences set to true, I get a nice clean experience. No autoupdate.
exit 0
Will still need to test deploying via Casper just to see how it behaves, but I'm liking the results so far.
Posted on 08-18-2015 10:59 PM
Rename the MAU2.0 folder in /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/ suppress the AutoUpdate. This removes the "Check For Updates" option in the Help Menu as well.
Thanks & Regards,
Posted on 08-19-2015 04:09 PM
Rename the MAU2.0 folder in /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/ suppress the AutoUpdate. This removes the "Check For Updates" option in the Help Menu as well.
Good find! A quick question though. Would there be any reason why you might not simply create a policy to delete "Microsoft" in this folder? It would have the same effect.
Posted on 08-19-2015 11:17 PM
Yes, We can even delete it.
Posted on 08-19-2015 11:26 PM
Yes, if the MAU app isn't present then the auto update issues go away.
I inadvertently discovered this when I was attempting to package up the VL Office installer. See my blog
Posted on 09-02-2015 01:32 PM
Is there a way to disable the "Gallery" screens that continue to pop up, even after disabling the firstrun screens? I would just like the window to open to a new blank document or spreadsheet.
Posted on 09-02-2015 07:30 PM
Hi @zbennis
Microsoft Stores the New Template dialog settings in
"MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg" file in ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office. We have to include this package in file. I was not able to create the script to create the file so copying it to All Users and User Template.
Thanks & Regards,
Karthikeyan M
Posted on 09-15-2015 03:44 AM
thanks for your clear explanation works great . Question: How do you deal with dock items? We now have office2010 in the dock for removal , we use dockutil of " kcrawford Github " and also adding of 2016. But we see that we need to repeat the command 3 times before it works.
How do you deal with it?
Before installation:
# Remove Office dock items end user.
$dockutil --remove "Microsoft Word" --allhomes --no-restart
killall Dock
$dockutil --remove "Microsoft Excel" --allhomes --no-restart
killall Dock
$dockutil --remove "Microsoft Outlook" --allhomes --no-restart
killall Dock
$dockutil --remove "Microsoft PowerPoint" --allhomes --no-restart
killall Dock
$dockutil --remove "Microsoft OneNote" --allhomes --no-restart
killall cfprefsd
killall Dock
After installation:
# Add Office Dock to end user 3 times.
echo "Add/Replace Office dock items"
$dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft Word' --allhomes --no-restart $plist
killall Dock
$dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft Excel' --allhomes --no-restart $plist
killall Dock
$dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft Outlook' --allhomes --no-restart $plist
killall Dock
$dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft PowerPoint' --allhomes --no-restart $plist
killall Dock
$dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --allhomes --no-restart $plist
killall Dock
echo "Refresh Dock"
killall cfprefsd
killall Dock
Posted on 09-15-2015 05:24 AM
It would be nice if MS included a command line component to AutoUpdate so we could kick off updates in the background via ARD after we've evaluated the updates on test Macs first.
Posted on 09-15-2015 04:29 PM
You have to run only once if you follow these steps:
1) Don't use "--no-restart"
2) add a "sleep x" in between commands
My working script to replace Office 2011 from dock
# Dock Icons change - for current user and all existing users on this computer
/usr/local/bin/dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft Word' --allhomes
/bin/sleep 10
/usr/local/bin/dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft Excel' --allhomes
/bin/sleep 10
/usr/local/bin/dockutil --add '/Applications/Microsoft' --replacing 'Microsoft PowerPoint' --allhomes
Posted on 09-17-2015 07:14 AM
@Kumarasinghe Thank you so much, works like a charm
Posted on 05-30-2017 12:50 PM
I'm trying to distribute Office 2016 across our Enterprise. When Office is installed locally you see a Sign In option only. When Office is installed using any Application Distribution software and our Serializer you get the option of Skip sign in (See attached .jpg).
Is there a method to install a .plist file or run a script that will prevent this option to "Sign In" all together? What .plist file needs modification? Thanks so much for any help!
Posted on 05-30-2017 07:44 PM
@MacGeek There are 2 versions of Office 2016.
There are a few pages on JAMFNATION that will show u how to avoid the sign in, but I have not tried them. Once u have serialized the install, the sign in pop up will be gone.
Posted on 10-13-2017 06:26 AM
Ok, must be that I am a shell script newbie, but how to you run this script? Google really doesn't help me on this but hopefully a kind soul here will.
Thanks in advance