Posted on 03-28-2011 01:05 PM
Has anyone ever tried creating policies intended to only run
"off-line". We have lots of laptops that leave our network with
users (teachers and students) that I don't want to stay gone too
long...(overnight or over the weekend eg.) and other laptops
that should never leave our network. I have scripts that can
check for network resources and shut the computer down at
certain amount of time after it cannot contact the resource. I
would like them to run only when off our network. Any ideas on
that one?
Jim Ferguson
Senior Systems Analyst
Technology Services Dept.
Bryan ISD
Posted on 03-28-2011 01:46 PM
There's a checkJSSConnection verb for the jamf binary (see jamf -help in terminal).
If your jss is not externally accessible, you could use the above with an if loop to run the command.