Ok how do I setup Managed Licenses for mobile apps

New Contributor III

I seem to be missing the vital search phrase to find the info on Managed Licenses. I purchased my first one today and now I cannot figure out how to add it to the JSS. All I see is the VPP options.


Valued Contributor II

I don't think JAMF has that ready yet. I believe they are currently in beta testing for the new feature. Maybe some others will comment on the status.

Valued Contributor

To my knowledge the only MDM that supports this yet is Apple's Profile Manager.

Valued Contributor III

It is indeed not ready yet. I asked to be in on the beta but have not gotten a Yes yet, so I don't know how far away the feature is.

New Contributor

Getting frustrated on the LONG wait for this....I have apps that teachers/classes need which were purchased as managed licenses a few months ago and I can't get them installed. I assumed JAMF would be ready for this soon after Apple released the option. If I had known, I would have elected to purchase the codes instead. :-( I would really like a timeline on this!!! :-)

New Contributor

In December I contacted Apple and they refunded my VPP purchase so that I could repurchase the codes. Hope they will still do that for you.

Valued Contributor III

JAMF says "very shortly" the beta will be ready..


I had figured this out partly awhile back and am trying to remember what I did and/or where I may have posted about it on here. You have to go to the following places in JSS: Management Settings >> Global Management >> VPP Accounts

From there you add the app and upload the token with it. The token you get from the VPP store in Apple. In the upper right where you click on your account name to see purchase history, you choose "account summary" and there's a place to download the token there.

The VPP invitations and assignments is under the "users" tab at the top where computers and mobile devices are listed. I was also sent this article about dealing with VPP managed licenses:
