On a JAMF'd computer, I need to use an external boot drive that is NON-JAMF'd....

New Contributor III

I tried this a few years back but JAMF became rather unhappy - as JAMF still thinks it's the same computer.

Do I still have to un-enroll the mac from JAMF to prevent problems when booting into a non-JAMF'd partition or drive? And then of course RE-enroll it when I switch back to the JAMF'd partition?

I sure hope there's an easier way...


Honored Contributor III

So, JAMF is now a verb?


Automated Device Enrollment (DEP) is based on the devices registration in Apple Business Manager, and really has nothing to do with JAMF. If you have multiple partitions on a Mac, each install of MacOS will be directed to MDM if ADE is enabled. Since each install of macOS has the same hardware (motherboard UDID), JAMF has no way to differentiate the hardware from one enrolled instance of macOS to the next. It gets deeper then this, but keeping it high level.

New Contributor III

So basically - I'd need to unenroll the computer from JAMF when I wanted to use a non-JAMF'd boot drive.  That sort of scotches it, unless there's a way to "suspend" an enrollment (so JAMF doesn't actually try to do anything).