One off scheduled reboot option ... ?

New Contributor III


Apologies for the new question, but searching through previous posts, I can't seem to find anything this specific.

I need to come up with a way of scheduling a one off reboot of our Student Lab Mac's.

We've some work planned that mean the Mac's will lose their network connection for a while, after which they will need to be rebooted to pickup a new IP address. 

Ahead of this happening I need to pre configure on the Mac some mechanism that presets them all to reboot at a specific time on the given day, as a one off.

I have come across this Reboot Scheduler - Jamf Nation Community - 244528 where @sgiesbrecht suggests configuring a Jamf Policy and the relevant restart options, but I'm not sure how, if this might be a way that would work, I could get this deployed to the Mac's and it sits ready and waiting for the specific day/time.

Any advice would be most welcome and gratefully received. Thanks.


Honored Contributor III

There are two ways I can think of to attack this.

  • You could set a policy to reboot Macs at whatever time every day or week and set it to cache offline so it does not need JAMF to execute.
  • You could use launchd and a daemon to do this which is how I would do it. 
    • You would need to place a script to reboot the Macs somewhere on the device.
    • You would need to put the plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons to run said script at whatever time
    • You would need to bootstrap the plist unless you want to reboot the Macs for macOS to start everything up with launchd at OS load.
    • Remove when done, or leave and have a hands off reboot trigger to restart your Macs at whatever time you set.

New Contributor III

Thanks for your reply.

In the end spoke with a colleague and we've deployed a Config profile that will power off the machine at xx:xx time and then power back on at xx:xx time. The profile will then be removed when we've done what we need.