OS upgrade - Jamf

Contributor II

I am trying to make a simple package for OS upgrade (to Mojave) I found some stuff saying that I just download the installer from appstore and create a pkg with composer.

I have done that, and I can also run the package but nothing more happens afterwards - also not if I restart

I must be missing some kind of step ? -


Valued Contributor II

this will do the trick


#upgrade to mojave from high sierra with installer path
sudo /PATH/TO/Install macOS Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --agreetolicense --nointeraction

make that a script in your jss, create a policy and push it to machines that have the installer deployed via your package

also check out kc9wwhs script - https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/blob/master/macOSUpgrade.sh

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Contributor II

Of course - I have seen these
Parameters before.
Thank you

Contributor II

What happens actually if a mac is already running latest version - will it overwrite it again or will it cancel ?


#upgrade to mojave from high sierra with installer path
sudo /PATH/TO/Install macOS Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --agreetolicense --nointeraction

Is there any option to build in some kind of notification, saying that the upgrade will happen

Contributor II

@jameson Give https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/blob/master/macOSUpgrade.sh a look it may answer your questions.