Posted on
09:04 AM
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Anyone also notice that the new version of Server 4.1 is not reading Install OS X .apps that are on the desktop to make NetInstall images?
I noticed this after upgrading to the new version of Server and 10.10.3.
I am trying to make a NetInstall image from the latest version of the Yosemite installer, 1.6.16 which would be 10.10.3. I am also running the new OS so this should work fine. This has happened before with new releases. It usually gets fixed but that does not help me know.
Thank you.
Posted on 04-14-2015 09:13 AM
hmm, i recall this happening quite a few OS revisions ago... 10.7 maybe...
Posted on 04-14-2015 09:40 AM
Ok so I tested with OS X Server 4.0.3 and 10.10.2. With that combination you can use the latest Installer OS and make a 10.10.3 NetInstall. This is so silly Apple needs to fix this.
Posted on 04-14-2015 09:49 AM
I tested your idea just to see and that made no difference. That has working in the past though, Thank you. I am able to leverage an older OS and application to get it done. I am guessing this will be corrected soon enough.
Posted on 04-14-2015 10:12 AM
Yeah this wouldn't be a problem with Server 4.1. System Image Utility is actually on the computer itself in /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/. The link to the app in the Tools menu is just that. Its actually on every copy of the OS so you don't need to use a machine with Server installed.
I was able to produce 10.10.3 net install image just fine on a machine with Server 4.1.
Posted on 04-14-2015 11:26 AM
I located the System Image Utility in CoreServices/Applications and tried it on my 10.10.3 systems. The app did not read the I had copied it to the Desktop initially. I then returned the Install OS X to the Applications directory and started the System Image Utility application again and all was good. Interesting that that solved my issue. Thank you for your feedback I forgot it was in CoreServices. In my work flow I always work from the Desktop. Interesting that moving the .app solved my issues. I tested moving to the Desktop again. Closed SIU and no luck. I then moved it back and all was good again. Can someone else confirm?