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03:51 AM
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Hi Everyone
I just wanted advice from the Jamf community as options for pushing out OSX update solutions. Currently I'm using a Apple server with SUS to push out approved updates and Jamf policy that checks in with this SUS server. But it doesnt work with High Sierra
So thinking forward. Does anyone have a solution thats been implemented for High Sierra ( PS, our usrs dont have admin rights to there machines )
Posted on 08-02-2018 05:32 AM
@Quan.nong What version of macOS are you running on your server? High Sierra will still pull updates from a SUS. A drawback to the Apple version of SUS however is that it doesn't provide updates for OS versions newer than what's on the server. If you use the NetSUS 4.2.1 tool Jamf makes available it includes a version of the Reposado implementation of Apple's SUS which will server updates through High Sierra: NetSUS
Posted on 08-02-2018 05:39 AM
Hi @sdagley
I'm running 10.12.6 and server 5.3.1 - if I was to update the OS to 10.13.* then i could use SUS to update machines that are running High Sierra too?
Posted on 08-02-2018 05:57 AM
@Quan.nong I stopped using with Sierra so I don't know offhand if the High Sierra version includes the Software Update Server component any more. Given that Apple has been saying it's deprecated since before Sierra came out despite still using it to serve updates in High Sierra I would not bet on it, and would recommend a NetSUS instead.
Posted on 08-02-2018 06:04 AM
I've never used NetSUS. But look into it, would you have any good links for reading up on how to setup and understand how it works
Thanks alot @sdagley really appreciate your advice and help!
Posted on 08-02-2018 06:11 AM
The NetSUS page has good documentation links. It's really pretty simple to get up and running, the biggest trick is usually the non-intuitive "Ensure that computers install..." checkbox in the SUS configuration screen is the option that actually tells the NetSUS to download updates from Apple. You'll also find several threads on Jamf Nation about NetSUS, and usually a quick response to any questions posted here.
EDIT: Wrong @ autocomplete - sorry @quan.nguyen, @Quan.nong this response was intended for you.
Posted on 08-02-2018 06:27 AM
Thank you
Posted on 08-08-2018 06:08 AM
And just to answer the question, yes running 10.13.x and will support updates for High Sierra and below.
Posted on 08-08-2018 06:14 AM
Thanks All...
I upgraded the OS to 10.13 and server to support the updates
Posted on 08-30-2018 06:14 AM
Anyone test Software Update in the Server app in Mojave? I didn't see an option to to add the service.
Posted on 08-30-2018 06:40 AM
Not yet... still settling down with High Sierra using Software Update
Posted on 08-30-2018 06:49 AM
@ginakung I haven't tried 5.6 myself, but Apple has been very clear that the feature set of Server app is being greatly reduced in Mojave: Prepare for changes to macOS Server. They've also been saying for several years that the Caching service is the replacement for Software Update Service, despite considerable differences in their configurability, so I'm not surprised to see that document does not even mention SUS.