[OT] ARD 3.7x

Valued Contributor II

I need to transfer my ARD lists to another machine, but none of my instructions seem to be working with 3.7.x, anybody have a quick how-to handy?


Valued Contributor II

ARD 3.7+

1) Quit ARD 3.7 on my "source" computer. Copied the ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.RemoteDesktop/Data/Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop.plist file to my server.

2) On the *Target* machine, after I had installed ARD 3.7 and configured it, I quit ARD.

3) I deleted the .plist file on the target machine.

4) I then *rebooted* the target machine (which was important!)

5) After reboot, then I copied the "source" .plist file to the location above -- and it worked.

The reboot was needed. My guess is there is still some running process that is caching the .plist file even after you quit the application.