[OT] Late 2013 MBPro with nvidia graphics card

Valued Contributor II

I'm fighting with apple on whether or not a laptop we ordered has the nvidia graphics card on it (the 750M). It was supposed to have it, yet it's only showing the intel iris card. Apple refuses to believe me, even though it was confirmed through AppleCare (per their request) that it only contains the intel iris card. Does anybody have a screenshot they can send me of their "About this mac" --> display window showing that it does in fact show the nvidia card listed under the intel iris card?


New Contributor

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Here is a screen cap from my Mac. Hope this helps with your Mac

Here is my model identifier to compare.
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Valued Contributor II

... Mine shows it under system info, like yours does. It doens't show it anywhere else. My 2012 model shows it under about my mac, running the same OS version as the 2013, and I had a loaner one, and it showed it under About my mac as well. *shrugs*

Well, now I feel like an idiot.