OT: OS X Server v2.1 Update reset ML 10.8.2 settings

New Contributor III


I had a bad experience updating two Mountain Lion 10.8.1 Server to 10.8.2 and especially to the new OS X Server v.2.1 Update.

After the 10.8.2 update, the App-Store SUS offers me to update the Server.app. After that a message told me approx. that "the Server.app was replaced in the folder "Applications", the service was stopped and the service files were saved."

The new Server.app started with the configuration-wizzard and reset all settings previously set.

Does anybody have the same issue and maybe knows where the service files were saved?

Thanks & regards, Yann


Contributor III

Hello, I have a ML server for testing (Profile Manager) and I can confirm it sounds like there's something wrong with the update
I went through the configuration wizard as you said and then I found the few enabled services still running as expected.
As soon as I tried to access Profile Manager (running) its webpage was not available and could not understand what was wrong with that...
Since I only needed PM for testing, I followed this KB and reset everyhting there http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5349 but obviously I lost everything in PM.
I am sorry I am not of very much help...