Other CS3 apps, Required payload, and individual app licenses

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I just upgraded to v5.1 and was trying to create packages for Adobe CS3. I
seem to be well on my way creating a package for CS3 Design Premium, but
images of other CS3 app installer disks are not recognized--for example we
have individual Contribute CS3 and Fireworks CS3 disks (also individual
Dreamweaver and Flash CS3 disks, but I'm not to concerned about those since
they are already in CS3DP). I assume the problem is that Casper Admin looks
for the Setup.app in the base path named for an expected Adobe CS3 version
(like Adobe CS3 Design Premium) and is not prepared for individual apps with
a base path of, for example, Adobe Contribute CS3. Is this the case? and is
this the only reason the individually wrapped apps fail? and is there a way
around it? or does this actually work and I just somehow made a mistake
somewhere along the line?

Also, when deploying just parts of the CS3DP suite (like, say, just
Photoshop) is there a ``required'' or ``common'' part that needs to be
included with any partial deployment (like was the case with the
Composer-packaged Adobe CS(1))--the ``Adobe CS3 Design Premium'' payload
looks suspiciously like such a required package. Finally, if one does just
install one component (e.g., Dreamweaver) can one use a Dreamweaver CS3 VLA
serial number, or must one use the CS3DP serial number?

If no one knows, I will probably be experimenting soon to determine the
answers to these and other questions, and I will share the answers as they
are revealed.

-Bob Carneim


Contributor III


I want to say that you are pretty much spot on, but I think I'm basing that from a conversation I had and not any hard documentation on how it actually works. My memory is not so good these days. =)

I don't think the installer really cares what serial number you use as long as it's a valid serial number for the application you launch when it checks the licensing database. I guess I'll try that quick tomorrow, too.
