Posted on
09:42 PM
- last edited
a week ago
Hi Nation, I am receiving the following message when trying to upload a package to Jamf Cloud:
Package failed to upload
The package has only 64 KB, I was able to upload other packages before, not really sure about what is going on...
Has anyone been through the same issue ?
Thanks you
Posted on 11-19-2017 11:19 PM
Were you able to figure this out? I've had package upload problems, to our JAMF Cloud, for months. I've submitted several tickets about it, but nobody has been able to resolve the issue.
It happens with small files, medium files, large files, packages I create, packages straight from the vendor, through the JSS web interface, through JAMF/Casper Admin. Sometimes it will show in JAMF/Casper Admin that it is uploaded successfully, then a short time later show as "missing" causing my policies to fail because it can't find the package on the server. I cannot find any rhyme or reason to why packages fail to upload, but it's driving me crazy.
I'm to the point where I absolutely hate Patching through JAMF because it takes me days just to get packages uploaded so I can push them out. My environment is small enough, it's almost not worth using JAMF to patch.
Posted on 11-30-2017 09:16 AM
I have this problem as well. I have had multiple conversations with JAMF on this. It doesn't matter what size it is either. Their solution was just keep trying. It might eventually work. I was told they pretty much don't know what the problem is and not sure if and when they can fix it. So much for this "great" cloud solution we were talked into.
Posted on 12-21-2017 09:53 AM
Having this problem also with High Sierra right now. Had issues with Office updates. But they just started working yesterday. (Largest one there was just over 1 GB)
Submitted a help request to JAMF and really all they have said to do is;
None of these options have worked and I have been very disappointed in their customer service. I noticed also this only started happening after the last update.
Posted on 02-16-2018 08:20 AM
I also am trying to get a High Sierra package up on the Jamf Cloud Distribution Point. I've tried going through Jamf Admin, got a 408 and package was missing. Tried through JSS, and got a "Package failed to upload". I made several packages last week and had no issues getting them to upload (slack, gotomeeting, etc). My HS package is 3.27GB and I have it as a DMG... considering changing it to a PKG and seeing if that allows it to work for some reason. I'll report back if I get anything working.
Edit: Built as a .pkg, and it uploaded directly to JSS with no issues. I'm not entirely clear on the ramifications of it being a pkg instead of a dmg, but there's some documentation, and I'll be doing some testing... Hopefully nothing breaks.
Edit 2: .pkg seemed to upload on the surface, but when I looked at Jamf Admin, I realized that it actually did not successfully upload... Can't seem to get a High Sierra package of any kind to upload. Has anyone successfully done this yet?
Posted on 02-16-2018 08:46 AM
We see the same thing on a regular basis. We're new to jamf and this issue is getting old real quick.
Posted on 02-23-2018 09:01 PM
Im dealing with the same issue. Support has been lackluster. I initially had a problem with pkg files pending for more than a day. Then, after I'd delete and reupload, the same file would fail time and time again. I still have one pkg that isnt working even though the file itself installs software just fine. This is frustrating and I'm starting to regret bothering with jamf... given the price we paid.
Posted on 06-13-2018 11:21 AM
This problem still exists...
I have tried the following...
I'm not having any luck using JAMF cloud. Occasionally I'll get a file to upload the way it should.
Posted on 06-14-2018 10:23 AM
I spoke to JAMF and they said that the cloud instance is limited to 5GB file size. High Sierra is 6.08GB.
Not sure if that may be the issue or not
Posted on 07-13-2018 12:13 PM
A quick update on our issue.
I struggled with this issue until the recent upgrade to JAMF Pro 10.5.0. Now it appears to be working. I haven't (knowingly) changed any of my workflows, so I wonder if something was fixed in the 10.5.0 release.
Posted on 09-20-2018 07:35 AM
I was able to upload a 5.2G package a few weeks back. Now I am having this error uploading a 214K package. We are on Cloud ver 10.6
Posted on 03-08-2019 02:14 PM
Running on Cloud, and I've been uploading packages without any issues until they upgraded to 10.10. It forced me to upgrade my Jamf Pro apps and now I get that error every time I've uploaded. Different sized packages. Even tried uploaded directly through Cloud but got errors also. Waiting to see what support comes back with, but seems like something with latest version.
Posted on 04-09-2019 06:07 AM
I am having the same issue. Never have had this problem before. I have a .pkg that I am trying to upload to the cloud and then replicate to each of my two file share distribution points. The .pkg will not load onto the cloud server. I keep getting the following error message.
There was a problem uploading the package to Jamf Cloud. Connection failure: "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 504.)"
Posted on 04-10-2019 01:39 PM
I'm having this issue right now as well. Been working fine all day and then all of a sudden nothing will upload. I have experienced this in the past. After attempting to upload a very small .pkg file, it finally uploaded after about 8-10 minutes of retrys. This issue seems to resolve itself. It seems network related.
Posted on 04-17-2019 06:35 AM
Had this issue all day.
Anything over 3-ish GB fails.
Jamf just went to version 10.11.1
Last week while Jamf was still 10.10.1, it accepted the macOS Mojave 6GB pkg file without a hitch. Something must've broken with the latest update.
Posted on 04-18-2019 03:47 AM
Same issue here on Jamf Version 10.11.1 Package failed to upload.
Also some Packages fail to install from Self Service.
Posted on 04-22-2019 12:37 PM
Having same issue. Just trying to upload a 80mb dmg. Nothing special. It worked earlier this morning but I haven't been able to get it to go for hours now.
Posted on 04-24-2019 10:08 AM
I am having the same issue. Error '504'. On version 10.11.0 and 10.11.1. Uploading a 5.2 GB package. Had no issues before these updates.
Posted on 05-22-2019 11:26 AM
I am having the same problem. Trying to upload Mojave 10.14.5 installer, packaged as .PKG with Composer, almost 6GB in size. The upload seems to finish OK, but the package then says "Upload failed". No reason displayed
Posted on 05-22-2019 02:24 PM
I am experiencing the same issue of not being able to upload a .pkg of Mojave 10.14.5. I get the following error: There was a problem uploading the package to Jamf Cloud. Connection Failure: "The network connection was lost." The upload hits 80% and fails. Any ideas or solutions to upload a 6 gig file?
Posted on 06-03-2019 10:54 AM
I am now having this issue as well. It's a 31.3MB file. It gets about 2MB in and fails.
Posted on 06-20-2019 07:09 AM
I'm in the same boat here, but am opening a ticket.
Posted on 06-20-2019 07:42 AM
I've had issues with jamfcloud before, as well - try a different browser/update browser?
Firefox is my main browser, but uploads constantly fail with some files. I've had to switch to Chrome, and I haven't had an upload fail since switching.
Posted on 06-28-2019 10:40 AM
I'm seeing this error when running
sudo jamf recon -verbose
So it's not just limited to a web browser.
Caine Hörr
A reboot a day keeps the admin away!
Posted on 07-18-2019 10:41 AM
I had been having the same issue. Reached out to Jamf support and they suggested that because it had failed one time the failed instance may still be cached. They had me remove all instances of the failed uploads, rename the package and then upload again. I used Safari to upload and it worked!
Posted on 07-18-2019 06:31 PM
I am having the same issue too. I can upload the packages using Jamf admin application, but I wont let me attached uploaded packages to any policies. It doesn't even give out an error! I just get the spinning circle of death and then it signs me out.
Posted on 07-24-2019 03:39 AM
Same here, both via web and jamf admin. Packages stay on "Availability pending". Were on cloud, Jamf 10.13.
Posted on 07-30-2019 12:28 AM
Im having similar issues where it'll upload and fail at 99 per cent
Posted on 07-30-2019 07:17 AM
same issue. we just migrated to Jamf Cloud last week and at first, replication seemed to be ok. I added 2 packages and tried to replicate again and got an error. Now when adding packages through Jamf Admin, it gets to the end and then says it failed to upload due to some connectivity issue. I uploaded a Mojave package yesterday through Jamf Pro on the web and it still today shows availability pending. Not off to a good start here...
Posted on 08-19-2019 06:44 PM
Same issue here, have logged a request.
Found the same as other Jamf Admins, after several attempts the packages uploaded! This was using Admin and Web.
Some articles indicated AWS server(s) may have a possible bottleneck or the way the system manages the file(s) during the upload.
Posted on 08-19-2019 07:09 PM
Have you tried to upload .pkg file through JSS, Settings > Computer Management > Packages > New
Posted on 08-20-2019 07:36 AM
I have a related issue when I come to replicate from Jamf Pro up to Jamf Cloud.
It will quite often upload PKGs that have already been successfully uploaded to the cloud, sometime about 3 or 4, so can take quite a while. The PKGs are already available in Jamf Cloud and are being utilised by policies, so I know it has already worked previously.
It is not a massive problem, but it is frustrating if i have to wait for them to replicate again (sometimes again and again).
I have had this across different versions of Jamf Cloud /Jamf Pro
Posted on 08-23-2019 12:33 PM
I did the same thing as @tanton and mine uploaded finally. I don't know whats been going on with the reliability of Jamf but it can be frustrating. I was given a work around script that uses the API but haven't had any success with it. Has anyone tried this script?
# This script will create a package record inside of Jamf Pro. Can be used when a large package
# such as a 20GB+ Adobe file cannot be uploaded to JCDS. Manually upload the file to a local SMB / HTTPS
# share, then use this script to create it's record inside of Jamf Pro.
read -p "Jamf Pro URL: " server
read -p "Jamf Pro Username: " username
read -s -p "Jamf Pro Password: " password
echo ""
read "Package Name (including file extension)": packageName #Name of the package (including file extension)
# Courtesy of github dot com slash zdorow
echo "Testing connection to Jamf Pro..."
test=$(curl --fail -ksu "$username":"$password" "$server"/JSSResource/users -X GET)
if [ $status -eq 6 ]; then
echo ""
echo "The Jamf Pro URL is incorrect. Please edit the URL and try again."
echo "If the error persists please check permissions and internet connection"
echo ""
exit 99
elif [ $status -eq 22 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Username and/or password is incorrect. Please edit and try again."
echo "If the error persists please check permissions and internet connection"
echo ""
exit 99
elif [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""
echo "Connection test successful! "
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Something went really wrong,"
echo "Lets try this again."
exit 99
curl -kvu ${username}:${password} -H "Content-Type: text/xml" ${server}/JSSResource/packages/id/-1 -d "<package><name>${packageName}</name><filename>${packageName}</filename></package>" -X POST
exit 0
Posted on 09-07-2019 10:42 AM
I was having the same issues with uploading the various Mojave packages. Anything over 5GB would fial. I ended up using a Windows 10 Based PC with chrome browser to upload the files to our Jamf cloud instance and it worked perfect.
Posted on 09-08-2019 10:00 AM
is it the macOS Mojave installer? If so, install that via VPP purchase and use Mojave Caching server to resolve bandwidth concerns. What packages are you trying to install?
Posted on 11-04-2019 10:07 AM
@rfadul I tried both in Safari and Chrome to upload the pkg and Chrome just sits there while in Safari I get the message "Package failed to upload" in red right below the "Choose file" button. This is a .PKG that I generated via the Adobe CC Packager. The corresponded "uninstaller.pkg" uploads without issue. This is the first time I've ever experienced this issue.
Posted on 11-04-2019 10:28 AM
PS For lack of anything else to try, I re-ran the cloud packager and therefore created a new .pkg. This uploaded without issue. So, no idea if the problem was on Adobe's end or when JAMF Admin zipped the .pkg together! sigh Well, whatever, it's working now.
Posted on 02-21-2020 03:23 PM
No Support for me as well I am struggling to deploy pro plus
Posted on 02-26-2020 01:59 PM
Hi everyone, I was experiencing this today and it turned out to be a licensing issue. We had purchased more licenses and forgot to update our Activation Code in the JSS. Immediately after updating the Activation Code, I was able to upload packages again.
Posted on 02-27-2020 02:56 PM
@smpersists2020 are you talking about the licenses for the software that you are uploading or the licenses for Jamf Pro?