Posted on
09:42 PM
- last edited
Hi Nation, I am receiving the following message when trying to upload a package to Jamf Cloud:
Package failed to upload
The package has only 64 KB, I was able to upload other packages before, not really sure about what is going on...
Has anyone been through the same issue ?
Thanks you
Posted on 06-11-2020 07:02 AM
We might be having different issues. I learned that JAMF Admin has some problems and messes up the database on JAMFCloud. I had to rename the file I wanted to upload to something different and then re-upload it. It worked after that. I'm on Catalina right now.
Posted on 06-18-2020 03:26 PM
I seem to be seeing the same problem over the last couple of weeks. I upload packages, they seem to be stable. I deploy the policy and see it fail, then call it manually and get an error that says the package is not available. After I look at the packages I'm finding most of them are now stating "Upload Failed"
Posted on 06-18-2020 03:35 PM
I’ve seen this issue before. I did the following to fix.
After I did this it worked.
From jamf support engineer: “Spaces in file names, mainly packages and script just a bad time with Jamf Pro. Naming files with camelCase, named-with-dashes or named_with_underscores are just better.”
Hope this helps!
Posted on 06-22-2020 09:42 AM
I have been able to get around the problem by deleting my package all together and recreating a new one. Unfortunately you then have to re-add the package to any policies using that package.
I have also seen trying again later to work as well.
Frustrating issue.
Posted on 06-24-2020 08:30 AM
+1 to @zachary.fisher 's workaround.
I've been having problems uploading the newest Microsoft Office v16.38 pkg this whole week via the web gui and jamf admin. After deleting all pending pkgs, renaming the local pkg with no spaces and no underscores, I was finally able to successfully upload the 1.64GB Office pkg.
I just finished testing a deployment of this new pkg to my own Mac with great success. Hopefully this can help others get around this annoying issue while Jamf gets around to fixing it properly.
Posted on 11-11-2020 02:38 AM
I had the same issue today with the original "Microsoft AutoUpdate 4.29.pkg"; I uploaded it several times and it always failed, but other PKGs could be uploaded without trouble.
The solution was to zip the PKG file, then uploading worked smoothly.
Posted on 11-11-2020 07:18 AM
Having the same issue today. I've tried multiple solutions but I think there is a corrupted package list in the JCDS. I am not sure how to resolve this.
Posted on 11-11-2020 08:47 AM
I am also having this issue today, seems like somethings broken at Jamf? But says everything is green..
Posted on 11-12-2020 01:07 AM
I heard from a Jamf support response that this is related to PI-006574 which is not currently listed on the PI board.
Posted on 11-12-2020 01:50 AM
@molops: [PI-006574] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused large packages to fail to upload to the JCDS.
It's not an issue with large packages - it's an issue with EVERY package!
Posted on 11-12-2020 01:55 AM
So I also talked to the Jamf Support today and they asked me to simply in Jamf Cloud GUI go to:
Management Settings > System Settings > Activation Code > Edit
and then re-paste the activation code and Save (this resets something, don't know what).
Then uploading packages worked again!
Posted on 11-12-2020 01:57 AM
@chrisB I am discovering this as well. Here's what I know:
This means any package definition I have in Jamf cannot be updated, but can only be recreated. This obviously breaks links to existing policies and PreStages. I deploy a lot of zero-payload packages that run scripts in a PKG for the exact reason I can only deploy PKGs in PreStages and Patch Management.
Hope it gets some attention, my day just got a looooot longer 😅
Posted on 11-12-2020 02:13 AM
@KretZoR: I entered our activation code again, but this didn't help. The only effect I see is that the error message "Upload failed" appears much earlier.
Posted on 11-12-2020 02:29 AM
@chrisB Damn.. :( Jamf Support also suggested to switch primary (principal) distribution point from Cloud to FileShare and then back again, if you've set that up.. Otherwise I suggest you contact Jamf Support! :)
Posted on 11-12-2020 02:45 AM
@KretZoR: I switched the distribution point to "None" and then back to "Jamf Cloud" with no effect. I already opened a support ticket yesterday.
At the moment only zipping the PKG files makes uploads possible.
Posted on 11-12-2020 03:01 AM
Things are getting even worse: At moment I can't even upload zipped PKG files, and when I want to delete these failed updates I run into timeouts and "Service temporarily unavailable" messages.
Posted on 11-12-2020 04:57 AM
Jamf Europe just confirmed that this issue is an EMEIA-wide (Europe, Middle East, India, Asia) problem, and they'll work on it with highest priority.
Posted on 11-12-2020 05:05 AM
Thanks for relaying that @chrisB ! For now I will go back to focusing on the other major topic of the day - macOS Big Sur!
Posted on 11-13-2020 03:05 AM
Thank you for this information.
Do you know if the problem is fixed because we still have the problem. We are still unable to upload files (pkg, zip or dmg) from Jamf Admin to the Cloud distribution point.
All our packages are "Upload failed" in the JSS (no error on Jamf Admin).
Thank you
Posted on 11-13-2020 03:24 AM
I can confirm that re-uploading packages to existing definitions in Jamf works. Creating new definitions with names which previously existed in the package list does not work, however. If you rename the package and upload it it should work for now. Long term this is not fixed yet but it's a workaround for the time being.
Posted on 11-13-2020 05:53 AM
Today my issue has been solved by restarting the cloud distribution server(s).
Posted on 11-13-2020 06:08 AM
@chrisB Have you asked support to do this?
Posted on 11-13-2020 07:19 AM
@glpi-ios I opened a support ticket and Jamf finally restarted the server.
05-26-2023 09:04 AM - edited 05-26-2023 09:20 AM
What worked for me was creating a new Configuration Profile, then saving it with only its General settings (name, description, etc.) without configuring any payload. Then returning to the saved Profile to configure the payload.
I was having issues with this same error for simple .otf font files until attempting this method which worked for me. If it still doesn't work, consider using your browser in incognito/private mode while configuring the Profile/payload.