Packaging DiskWarrior 5

Honored Contributor

I've tried to package it up along with its licensing but I cannot seem to get it to work. When I enter the licensing it doesn't seem to be modifying anything that I can tell. I've tried using Composer and using a before/after snapshot to see what files are being modified but nothing seems to contain the serial. I tried deleting the app and re-deploying the files captured in Composer, but that also doesn't seem to carry over the licensing. Tried using file system monitoring, same deal. Is anyone packaging up Disk Warrior 5? If so, how are you capturing the licensing?


Honored Contributor II

I would recommend trying fseventer to see if you can track down where it's writing to. I've had cases in the past where composer has missed key files.

Esteemed Contributor III

I wasn't aware Alsoft offered volume licensing for Diskwarrior.


New Contributor II

Did you ever find an answer to this? Wanted to build a package with Composer to put into my AutoCasperNBI image, but I can't seem to get it to capture the license. We are licensed to include DiskWarrior in our netboot, but however it's licensing itself, Composer isn't capturing it.

Honored Contributor

I did. Open up Disk Warrior on a computer. License it. Then create a zip file of the app bundle.
Open up Packages and put that zip file in the Scripts > Additional Resources section. Add the following as a postinstall script as well. Might need to change the Zip and App variables depending on what you chose as the name for the zip file and if you renamed the app bundle.


#Working directory for script to reference resources
install_dir=`dirname $0`


#Remove application if found
if [ -d $3/Applications/"$App" ]; then
    /bin/rm -rf $3/Applications/"$App"

#Unzip application to /Applications folder
/usr/bin/ditto -V -x -k --sequesterRsrc --rsrc $install_dir/"$Zip" $3/Applications

/usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel $3/Applications/"$App"

New Contributor II

Thanks for the detailed reply! I did that and it worked great. For some more details, I created a "raw package" in Packages to do this, then added the files as bpavlov described.