Posted on
08:44 PM
- last edited
Never judge a flat/signed PKG by its cover...
preinstall script:
rm -Rfv "/Library/Frameworks/XRiteDevice.framework"
# uninstall old xrd
echo "Uninstalling legacy xrd..."
dscl . -delete /Groups/ > /dev/null 2>&1
dscl . -delete /Users/com.xrite.device.user.xrd > /dev/null 2>&1
files=( "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xrite.device.message.plist"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/CustomDataViews/XRiteDeviceDataFormatter.bundle"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/xrdd"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/xritedeviced"
"/Library/PreferencePanes/X-Rite Device Services.prefPane"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/"
"/Library/Receipts/XRD GoldenEye.pkg"
"/Library/Receipts/XRD Manager.pkg"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/ColorMunki.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/i1d2.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/i1d3.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/i1IO.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/i1iSis.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/i1Pro.xrdevice"
"/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Devices/rm200.xrdevice"
"/var/xrite" )
for ix in ${!files[*]}
printf "removing '%s'
" "${files[$ix]}"
rm -Rfv "${files[$ix]}"
exit 0
postinstall script:
echo "Updating launch agent permissions..."
chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchAgents"
chmod 755 "/Library/LaunchAgents"
chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchAgents/com.xrite.device.softwareupdate.plist"
chmod 644 "/Library/LaunchAgents/com.xrite.device.softwareupdate.plist"
echo "Updating launch daemon permissions..."
chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchDaemons"
chmod 755 "/Library/LaunchDaemons"
chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xrite.device.xrdd.plist"
chmod 644 "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xrite.device.xrdd.plist"
echo "Creating symlink in /Library/Frameworks..."
ln -Ffs "/Library/Application Support/X-Rite/Frameworks/XRiteDevice.framework" "/Library/Frameworks/XRiteDevice.framework"
exit 0
I hope whoever PANTONE hired to make the PKG took the money and ran.
Posted on 11-27-2017 06:45 AM
"UAT? We don't need no stinkin' UAT!" - AndyM from X-Rite
bash-3.2# ls -lF /Applications/PANTONE Color
lrwxr-xr-x 1 macadmin staff 84 Nov 27 06:19 /Applications/PANTONE Color -> /Users/andym/Development/Build Products/Release/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
bash-3.2# ls -lF /Applications/PANTONE Color
lrwxr-xr-x 1 macadmin staff 84 Nov 27 06:19 /Applications/PANTONE Color -> /Users/andym/Development/Build Products/Release/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
"Lack of oversight is a terrible thing, and cheaper too." - Bean Counters at X-Rite
"No problem, let's give the user (every stinking last one of them, since we do everything in the User's domain) lots of dialog boxes to compensate!" - Project Manager at X-Rite
Definitely would be better to have one person suffer through this, and then distribute the updated PANTONE libraries.
Thanks to @mosen and @foigus on the #adobe Slack channel
Posted on 11-27-2017 07:21 AM
Snapshot works, btw, we removed the Launch Agent (to disable auto-updates).
We use an After script in the policy to load the Launch Daemon: launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.xrite.pantonecolormanager.plist
(scroll up for the dirty details on that bugger).
The content of the Jamf Composer DMG, we enabled FUT
and FEU
even though the license/activation appears to be per-user (not per computer):
Posted on 11-27-2017 08:14 AM
I downloaded the v3 colorbooks and distributed with casper. Trust me, if you distribute the stock colorbooks someone will find a color that isn't in there. You will need to distribute updated colorbooks with new deployments of Adobe CC, the CC color books are out of date.
Posted on 04-26-2021 11:06 AM
I just had a user ask for this for a project. Any idea how to allow it to export the color pallets without asking for admin rights? all my users are standard users. I just found out about this today so haven't had time to dig into it.