PaperCut Mobility Print script to collect logged in user AD keychain credentials and update mobility print keychain credentials

Contributor II

I though I had seen someone post a script for this in the past, and I am presently looking into trying to achieve the same thing.

The problem...
we are forced to make users update their passwords ever 120 days due to policies in place.
from doing so the air print shares set through mobility print, dont release print jobs until the end user clicks the refresh icon in their printer queue to force a prompt.
Newb problem.

What I am looking to do is, to collect the users wifi authentication password or AD sign in password, and add the password to our mobility print air print keychain entries, which would then run daily to ensure the password is kept in sync to their AD account record.

problem is I cant seem to find the previously mentioned script to do this.

I've been playing around with the security terminal command, to collect passwords, but my scripting skills are limited and I cant seem to grab only the password strings to then script update the passwords for the airprint keychain rercords.