Parental Control MCX and AD Accounts

Valued Contributor III

Has anyone managed to get any kind of parental control settings working with AD accounts? I've had plenty of success with local accounts but none with AD based accounts.


New Contributor

we currently manage our lab and public machines with mcx. the users are all logging in with ad acounts. we create a group in workgroup manager which we apply the mcx to. then we add domain users to that group to get the settings to apply.

Valued Contributor III


I don't have Workgroup Manager anymore. Only tools i've got is with Casper 8.71 and whatever I can script.

New Contributor

sorry about that. we use dsconfig to create the group and add the ad users. we then use dscl to import mcx for the group all scripted. we originally started with workgroup manager to get the idea on what it was doing and how to mimic it.

Valued Contributor III

So what i've tried is the following:

1) I've exported out a "kiosk.plist" from a properly set up user account.
2) Imported plist into Casper managed preferences, set scope to a specific ad group. MCX doesn't apply properly.
3) Set up a script to execute "dscl . -mcximport /Users/kiosk /Volumes/CasperShare/Scripts/kiosk.plist". Same results as no.2 or nothing.
4) To confirm, I made sure the network account exists before setting up parental controls manually. Again, no joy.

So I try with a local account instead. Works every time. Hrm.

New Contributor

this is the script we use to get the groups set up and the mcx applied to the groups. we do something similar where we export the mcx settings as a plist and import it to the machine:


#flush previous mcx settings
dscl . -delete /Users/LOCALMANAGEDUSER dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings
dscl . -delete /Groups/GROUPNAME dsAttrTypeStandard:MCXSettings

#import nyuguest mcx settings
/usr/bin/dscl . -mcximport /Users/LOCALMANAGEDUSER /YOURMCX.plist
rm -f /YOURMCX.plist

#create ad users group
dscl . -create /Groups/GROUPNAMEHERE
dscl . -create /Groups/GROUPNAMEHERE name GROUPNAMEHERE
dscl . -create /Groups/GROUPNAMEHERE gid 1025

#import ad users mcx settings
/usr/bin/dscl . -mcximport /Groups/GROUPNAMEHERE /YOURMCX.plist
rm -f /YOURMCX.plist

#add Domain Users to group
dseditgroup -o edit -a "Domain Users" -t group -i 209991574 GROUPNAMEHERE

this creates a group with dscl and then applies mcx to the group. in the last set we add all domain users to the group so mcx setting are applied to them when they log in. we also have a managed account for guests which is where the first part of the script comes in to play.

Valued Contributor III

I'm trying to do this via Casper managed preferences and AD grouping as it's part of our various internal and external networking agreements. (Very long story). Sounds like trying to apply this on logon may be impossible or near impractical

EDIT: Turns out i'm wrong and I just needed to rework most of my MCX prefs.