Posted on 11-02-2022 05:15 AM
I've been trying to automate my package Management using AutoPKG but I could not find a solution to automate the Patch Management completely. I am using Title Editor for my patch definitions.
However, I can not find a solution to automate the creation of new patches on Title Editor and without that the automation of the rest is not nearly as useful as it would be with that part also automated. Can anyone point me in a direction where I can find a solution for this?
Also: What is your workflow for patch management? I am fairly new to this and could use some tips.
Kind regards
Posted on 11-02-2022 07:02 AM
I champion the workflow that keeps me from having to deal with the exact issue you pointed out. Essentially you can treat patch management in Jamf as a dictionary and use that to make some smart groups, from there I used to scope installomator script/labels to the group, when an update hit patch management the smart group adjusted and fired off the script to update it. The even more set-and-forget would be the Jamf Apps catalog or Mac Apps(VPP) - when either Jamf or Apple gets an update to an app it fires off the update. Depending on the software you're using between these three you can automate the process and move away from AutoPKG or self packaging if you desire. This freed me up to focus on the "pay wall" applications and how to license those irritating things.
Posted on 11-03-2022 01:18 AM
I have never worked with installomator, but I will have a look. The problem with the Jamd App catalog is that I need to support quite a lot of niche software that probably will never be supported there.
Posted on 12-19-2022 09:38 PM
@Andixon don't forget that you can submit feature requests for new titles that you would like to see included as App Installers titles.