Posted on 01-16-2020 04:03 AM
Hi Nation,
I am testing the latest java pkg (v8.241).
If it set it on 'after' with any priorities, it doesn't install. If I set it on 'reboot' it installs.
looking at my Jamf admin, I can see that previous java packages are set on after with priority 5.
any ideas?
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:01 AM
If you are using Jamf Admin and using Jamf Imaging then it will only install onto the target OS if set to install at reboot.
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:07 AM
thanks @allanp81 , is it only for java, do you know? flash install fine on 'after'
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:17 AM
How are you imaging? It really depends what your workflow is doing.
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:21 AM
macOS (autodmg with createuserpkg)
that is it
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:25 AM
So if you are installing macOS from an image and then rebooting? anything you want installed into that image has to be set as after restart.
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:27 AM
not always to my understanding (I'm pretty new to casper/jamf) as flash installed pre reboot (set to 'after')
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:28 AM
But unless you are pointing that install specifically at the partition you are restoring the image to, it will install into the os you are booted from (for instance if you are using netboot).
Posted on 01-16-2020 08:42 AM
but how can flash install without a problem, this is what I've been scratching my head all day. lol
I am using netboot in this instance so it should install to iMac drive as normal
Posted on 01-17-2020 01:47 AM
@AdvancedNoob that I can't explan, unless you are using a custom pkg that specifically points to the installed volume.
Posted on 01-17-2020 02:08 AM
thanks for the help @allanp81