Posted on 01-08-2025 01:35 AM
We've trialled Platform SSO fairly successfully, I'd like to use this more broadly but have a user-friendly workflow which follows enrolment.
Using Prestage enrolment with SSO for account creation, only to then follow a separate process with company portal to register the mac in Intune and complete the user integration seems a bit odd, to a degree a duplicate step. Has anyone developed a smooth workflow with platform sso integration and PSE?
Posted on 01-08-2025 05:43 AM
Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done. Even the Windows devices with Auto pilot have several logins users need to perform to fully setup and enroll their devices.
Posted on 01-08-2025 06:50 AM
Yes, with Platform SSO first we need to register the device from the Notification and if you are using Device Compliance we need to run the Register again from Self Service to send the compliance state to Entra.