Policies, their scopes and reporting

Honored Contributor


Has anyone run into the problem of needing to give their level 1/2 support folks an idea of what the scope of a policy is without actually granting them access to the policies?

For instance, I had a tier 2 guy ask me why a particular client machine didn't have the VMWare 3 installation in Self Service. It turned out that it was because the guy has VMWare 2 on it. Our VMWare 3 policy is scoped to a smart group of Intel-based machines with no VMWare Fusion installation on disk. I had him remove the VMWare 2, run a recon and it lit up.

That sort of report would be key as it'll be a cold day in hell when I give anyone outside of my team access to the policies. I can easily enough whip up a SQL query to see what the scope of a policy is, but it's the parameters of a smart group that I may end up getting stuck on.

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420


Not applicable

I've created documentation for Tier 1 & 2 that has this information in it in our wiki.

There you can also describe what the spirit of a scope is instead of just the letter of it. Explain why the smart group is set to how it is instead of just what it is. It is a significant time investment on the part of you and your team, but the time savings of techs and help desk asking you questions is worth it to me.

-Sean Hansell